Dont forget Roku’s patent for a way to show you ads over anything you plug into the hdmi.
Haha I had to double check to make sure I wasnt on Reddit.
Get out of here with that logical thought. Elon bad.
I think a lot of people are commented without knowing what infamous means. Most of these are boring average high school experiences.
This is the only sub where I constantly go down rabbit holes. For the last hour Ive been reading about woolly rhinos and dead whales. What a time to be alive!
Given the origin of most memes I doubt there will be many. Either you have some noname who could use the money from suing for copyright infringement or a major entertainment company that have lawyers on the lookout for such things. Your only bet would be an unknown meme (kinda defeats the purpose) or someone who isnt collecting on a meme.
Pretty sure memes dont fall under fair use or derivative work. I guess it depends what your using them for. We hired a new sign maker who used the “winter is coming” meme for one of their in-store signs (it was actually tastefully done in chalk art and looked good). Its stayed up for about a week before corporate saw it and told us to take it down before we get a cease and desist.
Long version-
Short Answer -
Name a social media site that isnt racist.
They hate us, cause they aint us
Sorry I had a few tabs open, this ones a little more informative as to why
Some fun reading on why edit:
bUt tTIs iS thE MosT iMPortANt elEcTIOn oF OUr liFeTImE… until the next one, and then the one after that, o and the next one after that…
What an incredibly low bar for praise. “we’ll fix our own bugs” - OMG!
I was talking about the one last year but sure as chit, there will be another coming soon.
how’d you guess? haha
Much appreciated, thanks
What would you recommend for a 700 setup? Just processor and gpu is fine. They would be most of the budget.
No Man’s Sky -I never played it because of the horrible launch, but the devs have been grinding out new content and fixes. There are still some flaws with base building, glitches, etc. But overall its fun to zone out and explore space.