Porn. Next question
Porn. Next question
They can’t tell this early in?
mElony Fusk
It’s fine guys! We have a stable genius with a marker
A strong finger wag from cureent democratic leadership was used! /s
Apple? 🤣
Brain worm
We need fELONs crack team from X -said no one
This is a more viable action from them than the usual roll over and get fucjed
fELON just can’t count
Orange crybaby temperature tantrum incoming in 3, 2, 1…
Amazon should be their target
I hpep they do something other than this political theatrics and then roll over when it’s supposedly go time as all politicians have done
bELONg in jail
Now they ask for this? After having zero majority in either house? Acter letting a nazi waltz into the white house?
Fuk. They need to let this series die