You can be against the established paradigm when you know what you want and how to get there.
We want to take the money from the few, and give it to the many.
You can be against the established paradigm when you know what you want and how to get there.
We want to take the money from the few, and give it to the many.
I was really curious. Hopefully they will come back.
Milei’s performance really does depend on your metric.
If all you care about is inflation and regulations, then he’s doing all right. Somewhere between fantastic and “eh, he’s getting there” depending on how you squint.
If you care about how many people are in poverty, or struggling to eat, he has been a disaster.
Conservatives don’t care about suffering. The suffering is natural. Life is hard. Lots of people are losers. Trying to stop the suffering just moves the pain from people who deserve to suffer (the poor) to people who don’t deserve it. (The rich)
The great depression had the bonus march. They camped in front of the white house and were dispersed with tear gas and cavalry charge led by Douglas MacArthur.
That works until their shit gets burned.
When the only things left to buy have to be built with hands and eyes, they will have to share the wealth with the rest of us.
I wish we weren’t pinning our hopes on angry mobs. But you play the hand you are delt.
Did you mean “unintuitive?”
Intuitive means it feels right.
That’s why I advocate for anarchism.
Take the power away to coerce people.
Walz will be a perfectly normal age to run for president.
Even North Korea has elections. They might not be fair but they will be held.
He can’t save us any more than Obama could.
He might be better than Obama (might) but we have to save ourselves.
I’m nervous to hear this already. I want him to be pushed into it, not to want out so much.
“Instead of”
Implies Patel would ever prosecute right wing criminals.
He won’t, unless they piss off trump.
60 hours is the sweet spot for maximal control over your employees life with only the normal amount of suicides.
True, but no other system disincentives children like capitalism.
What would you have us do? Take the kids away?
Do you know what the foster system is like in Texas?
Those kids are better off with measles. I wish I was kidding.
It’s one of those look for the helpers kinda times. And then go to work with them.
Turkye is moving against Russia though. They overthrew Assad, a close ally of Russia. And they have sold drones to Ukraine, and trapped the Russian Black sea fleet.
A collapse of Russian power in the Caucus leaves them as top dog in the area. They have a lot to gain from a Russian loss in Ukraine.
The world understands now that he will Parrott the ideas of whoever spoke to him last. Starmer and Macron tried to right the ship and they did for 24 hours. Unfortunately, Putin has people on the inside. Tulsi Gabbard chief among them, feeding Trump a steady diet of Bullshit the Russian bots would embarrassed to type.
The founding fathers created a good system and bipartisan politics have corrupted it
Only when compared to monarchy, or the Soviet Union.
It was always going to be corrupted, and if you think the electoral college will ever prevent a demogoge from taking power, I have a bridge to sell you on Pluto.