Ist das schon Ökoterrorismus?
Ist das schon Ökoterrorismus?
Started playing Fallout New Vegas for the first time on the Steam Deck.
Can’t mod it unfortunately, because it’s the GOG version. And it’s pretty ugly. But the tutorial area git me interested a bit. Let’s see how far I venture into the wasteland…
I hear the same stuff about Dresden and Sachsen…
Nuremberg ist quite a nice location and offers nice scenery, beautiful nature and also some international flair due to its university.
However, it is located in Bavaria and that is, at least for me, a total show-stopper. Federal politics and politicians are pretty right-oriented and conservative. The local party, the CSU, is corrupt, incompetent while staying cocky and so are many people in Bavaria. Germany (i.e. the taxpayers) just got handed a 220 million Euro debacle because the former Minister of Transport, Andreas Scheuer, wanted to enact an illegal law and signed contracts beforehand - despite severe warnings. This is not a solitary incident, it’s the party’s modus operandi. Despite all the failures in the past, the party gets the vast majority of votes in every elections - which speaks volumes about the local population.
It might not be tangible if you stay for a short time and spent most of your time at work. But if you stay longer and are exposed to politics and peoples’ general attitude, it might be different
“Warum die Paskaer die AfD wählen, frage ich. “Außer der AfD interessiere sich keiner für uns auf dem Land.” In Erfurt und Berlin werde nur Politik für die Stadt gemacht, meint er. Dann verabschiedet er sich, dreht sich im Weggehen aber nochmal um und ruft mir zu: “Es ist alles gut, aber denkt auch mal an uns!””
Damit ist eigentlich alles gesagt. Was für ein Armutszeugnis.