And nuclear cant possibly be built in time, so I guess we are screwed. Don’t let perfect stand in the way of good. Doing nothing is not an option.
And nuclear cant possibly be built in time, so I guess we are screwed. Don’t let perfect stand in the way of good. Doing nothing is not an option.
Oh, by all means. Build nuclear to your heart’s delight, but in the meantime we need to build wind, solar and water as well.
The part that annoys me the most are the ones that think that it is either or. It’s not. It’s as much as possible as fast as possible to replace as much fossil in total volume as possible.
Yeah, and in a city with no greenery for kids to play in and afraid to let the kids out of their sight for 1 minute.
Given how successful the designs Keller has been on are, this kind of news adds expectations. In 3-5 years time, of course, but even so.
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So? Are you saying that you are pot committed 3 cards in? How many cards do you run in each rig?
If half the price can’t convince you, you aren’t ready to switch no matter what.
Has monolithic Vs chiplet been confirmed for 9070? A narrow buswidth on a much smaller (compared to previous I/O-die) technology would mean a whole lot in regards to surface area available for the stream processors.
That’s because you already have top notch gear:) For everyone that’s not already at 7900 level performance 90% of the performance at 80% of the price is great.
For those that are able to spend 80% of the price, that is.
Compute power seems to be the same, disregarding any architecture changes. If they manage to pull off equal performance at a lower price and lower power envelope, it’ll actually be quite something.
ATI, sorry meant AMD, have tried the low price approach. They achieved nothing in terms of market share, the green fans didn’t find lower price and better performance enough to be swayed, and only ended up hurting their bottom line. There is nothing in it for AMD.
What has AMD to gain by dumping prices to sooth the nvidia-first crowd?
Yeah… In fourth grade I was taught that there is nothing like an outer foe to create inner peace. I never imagined it to be the US to accomplish that, but here we are.
I didn’t read super intelligence into it, I read overdoing and I found that it struck home. I don’t know math either, but if I did, I would have done the same calculation.
The Democrats doom and gloom
I know it’s a meme, but is that why? Are the challenges too great to comprehend and therefore it’s needed to turn to something that’s easier to delude oneself one has a handle on?
Blame game stage? Perhaps? My view is that there are few innocents, but the terminology and discourse is very strict in it’s perspective.
Same as any other discrimination. There is always one part that has it worse, but it is never a one way street. Perhaps easiest to see with age, where each age group has their resentments against the others. Both are equally generalisations, though. Equally wrong.
Ok, so you link texts that say that women (as well as feminism, obviously) can be just as sexist as men, yet you take affront to my pointing out that the terminology used is sexist?
Which part of it is it that you have such a hard time coming to terms with? That women, by default, is not always the victim, or is it that men is not always the perpetrator? These terms you use to defend the sexism in feminism is getting in the way of what needs to be done.
That’s not your fault, you’ve been ingrained with it. The fact that you need an A-level university course to be able to make the mental gymnastics needed to understand such language without revolting speaks for its own. Or how was it you phrased it “get you started on the path…”
A term inherently sexist to supposedly describe something else. Trying to shift responsibility. Sorry, that is gas lighting. You can have one, but not both. Chose and let your choice speak for which part of the problem you are on.
As if this is somehow down to “patriarchy”? It takes two to tango! Denying the role of women in the shaping of someone’s ability to handle and process emotion is really a disservice to anyone who wants equality between sexes. Blaming others is not the way to change.
Which has yet to be realised. Of it is that fast and easy to set up I’m we will see loads of them going up in notime. Specially now in the US, given how the mindset of the current administration.
Not to mention China which invests heavily in anything able to produce a watt.
Nothing to hinder advancing nuclear in the world’s 2 biggest economies! Problem solved.