Just pirate it to avoid giving money to Franco :)
I’m pretty adorable, but I’ve seen some shit.
Just pirate it to avoid giving money to Franco :)
Easier to navigate than what? If you say Google play music I’ll drive to your nuts and kick you in the house. Ytm is hot dog water and gets worse every update
Yeah I don’t get this one at all
And the recent score. Good to see if a recent update kills the game or something
I’ll probably migrate eventually. I’ve already changed a few times and it used to be a hassle but apparently it’s not now? But I just haven’t gotten around to it yet lol
And world
People praising that dude that killed a leopard with his bare hands need to really think about why the leopard felt the need to prey on humans in the first place
I can wish the bystander didn’t die, but that would mean the shooter would’ve had to not miss, which also would’ve resulted in the death of a pedophilic, racist, rapist cancer on this country, so… Win win?
Lions don’t lay eggs.
So popular they’re already doing it again!
Black Knight to G0 for the check
If price is an issue don’t you think people also try to keep their car as long as possible before being forced to buy a new one?
That surprised me too
I’m ootl, aren’t Germans supposed to be one of the good guys these days?
And just because you didn’t meet up doesn’t mean you didn’t engage in pedophilia. I like how he talks about hating pedophiles, so at least we know he hates himself too /s
Meanwhile Sacagawea was like this is just a normal Tuesday getting groceries for me
Demos are almost completely gone, so make your own demos :) but still feel free to actually pirate from ea, Ubisoft, Sony, etc
Nope, they’re infinitely close to you as well. They’re now inside you.
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