Because im old and caffine dependent. I already abuse both, just want to save time
Because im old and caffine dependent. I already abuse both, just want to save time
Shockingly, it may not be advisable to disrupt a large number of people and their ability to live. This may result in a large number of people unable to locate equivalent employment/compensation. Then you have a base of people with idle time, resentment for the administration, and nothing left to lose.
DJIA shorts are up 347% seems a lot of people are leaning towards a downside
I still have a functional GB01. I had to do some work on some contacts, but it works. I think the massive ground plane may have had an issue. I am looking at a power/battery upgrade, and the backlight.
I just want them to make a flavor with ibuprofin already mixed in
The number of people that ask if i meant C when I say Sierra is too damn high.
I am using it to learn French. I also appreciate the lesson structure as it relates to available time. I use it on breaks, or in the morning before i start work. I hope, once i finish the duolingo course work, i can get some tutoring to really learn it. I agree it is a beneficial use of time, as opposed to social media.
Hercule Poirot is the reason i am learning French
I used to work field service. I would drive all around and fix machines. If i used the customers restroom, and they had single ply TP, or the auto-magic paper towel dispensor spit out 6 inches, i knew that company was a bad place to work.
I still have a bulk of those CD’s (not the boxes anymore). I keep them in a binder with the CD holder sleeves. Same for my drivers, and operating systems. I have disks of going back to NT, 95b, and 98. I only started in to PC’ in 1998/9. I wish i had my original Voodoo3 driver disk. I remember buying that card in my way back from school one afternoon. I was so excited to install it.
I was skeptical of Steam when it launched as well. It has proven to be a good service.
Early Cuyler BABY!
I couldnt care less. You provide a great forum at no charge to me. I thank yoy for your contribution to discourse, communication with the community, and look forward to the growth of lemmy.world
Ty. I was also wondering about the Ted/Black flag.
Damn thats hits.
neque per deos neque per dominos patiar
I loved that game! Never played the sequel. Youre right though, i would reinstall it, if i had a gaming system up.
Did you see that ludicrous display last night?
Elon is trying to get the Crest from Birdmans Helmet.
Term limits are a great way to mitigate effects of judges. While an opposing party may control it for a time, it will end. Expansion does nothing to solve this, but may temporarily appear to. Until again, an opposing party elects judges to fill those seats you just added.
There should be term & age limits on all our representatives.
Fukin dmnit! I just spent the last several months fine tuning a PCB design supporting this platform. I have , what i believe to be my last iteration, being sent to fab now. I have to look i to this. My solution isnt using bluetooth, so i dont know if im vulnerable.