But normally the fucking happens in way-off corners of the country that the majority is happy to not think about.
Not that it makes it right, in any sense, but the grand fucking canyon? Conservatives are getting more brazen by the day.
The criminal court gave him a pass. I believe this is a civil lawsuit from the families of the victims.
It’s not justice but it would be better than nothing to make sure he dies broke.
It’s not that anyone had to do anything.
But if a particular demographic is dying more frequently of a specific cause, it’s worth digging into why that’s happening. These are people for fucks sake.
Never tried meth but I was homeless for a time. I can absolutely see why you’d flock to it if you live on the street.
It’s not safe to sleep, even more so at night. Cops make a habit of stealing/destroying your stuff, and because of that other homeless people steal your shit. It makes you feel invincible, helps you ignore the cold, and 10 bucks keeps you high for 2 days.
It’s all well and good to say don’t do drugs, but not having a place can really change your priorities in ways you’d never expect.
She’s free to step down at anytime, then she’ll never have to worry about any marriages.
Also fostering, if it would be a good fit, too.
You know it’s very easy to get a bow and arrow right? Even if you’re a felon with mental health problems.
Live your dreams.
I’d maybe haul a ton of potatoes for a thousand pounds.
Sure as shit not tilling, fertilizing, planting, watering, maintaining, picking, hauling, and selling that many potatoes for that kind of money.
There’s a reason big ag is so dominant, and it’s (partially) because their margins are so insane a small farmer can’t easily break into the market.
Seems like a blatant violation of the first amendment.
Peacefully assembling to share a meal isn’t speech? Who the fuck says all these people aren’t my friends and family?
36% is impressive considering that blood pressure.
heart flopping around like a fish
Stuff can also be funny twice.
Like sure I’m not gonna repost something knowingly but I’ll chuckle at this the next time I see it.
He’s justifying it by saying she was being disrespectful. I wasn’t there, maybe she was, but that’s kinda what you sign up for as mayor. I’ve been disrespected worse, for less money.
I doubt anyone but me has even looked at it in years so I doubt I’m benefiting somehow.
It is a strange practice now that I think about it. Never occurred to me that it wasn’t normal.
Nah my job is terrible I’m barely getting the due benefits lol. Thank you though. I figured I’d have to do something malicious for it to matter, but I’ve never even thought about this stuff.
It is kinda odd that they ask at all.
Yeah all good points, thanks. Why rock the boat. I’ll just pretend like I never noticed.
It almost reads to me like he worries how much support he had in Moscow. If the Wagner group is 25k strong and 100s of kilometers away why flee? Unless there seems to be grumbles from the royal guard about killing their countrymen over 1 dude.
Are you guys OK? I go more than 1-2 days and I feel like death.
Huh, even with context, I guess.
Terrible case of not liking new bathrooms? I hate public restrooms too but, my brother in christ take some deep breaths you’ll get through.
Or maybe a sex journey, thanks /kbin 🤣
Gotta be Rapunzel right? All that hair.
Exactly. This wouldn’t even be a blip in the news if he weren’t a former president. Judges lock people up for contempt all the time for way less than he’s already said.
Most sane people agree you can’t tamper with witnesses or threaten prosecutors (or anyone). He just has a loud cult of rabid defenders who would believe the sky was purple if he said it.