• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well seems like all car companies are somewhat subsidized/supported. I don’t know how difficult to detangle the presumably many different levels of that are, especially internationally.
    But if the EU were to subsidize “just” 500$ per car sold, and China 50.000$ per car, it would be impossible for european car makers to compete on an otherwise equal field.

    Now I have no Idea how supported which markets are, and I’d presume I grossly exaggerated the difference, and it may well be the other way around. I have not found detailed analysis of this though.

  • It depends.
    I’ll use some abstracted and simplified version to explain my point of view.

    If Wakanda and Middle Earth mine Vibranium (which is Mithril btw), and both sell internationally for 100USD/kg+shipping, both get similar market share, depending on details like proximity to the customer, different grades, personal preferences etc.
    Wakanda now invents a new mining laser, which reduces their cost/kg to 85USD/kg.
    Middle Earth doesn’t want to lose the entire market and risk an uprising of the dwarves, as they just lost their entire industry. Middle Earth decides to pay the drwarves 20USD/kg of exported Mithril, so that they can try and improve their efficiency, and still keep their families fed.
    Now Wakanda is undercut, and losing massive amounts of sales, Companies start layoffs, and Wakanda injects 20 Million USD in new refineries, increasing their output.
    People not just internstionally but even in Middle Earth start buying Wakandan Vibranium. Instead of constantly increasing support, Middle earth decides to put Tariffs on Wakandan Vibranium, to protect at least the national market from Wakandan influence.

  • I’ve donated plenty of times, because it makes sense that there is no other way to save lives than to donate.

    On the other hand, I’ve been wondering for years, that while I’ve been told a million times that “blood reserves are low - donate blood now!”, I’ve not ever heard that a single person died due to lack of available blood.
    Why would something like that not be reported if you want to motivate people to donate?

    My personal guess is that this comes because “lack of avaiable blood donations” isn’t a valid cause of death, the cause of death is whatever else (gun shot wound, knife severed artery / complication during surgery etc), thus it’s hard to pinpoint. Also Doctors may try to “save” blood, when they know little is available, and people may die that may have lived if they had gotten (more) blood, but also they may not have and it is hard to tell.

  • Words like this is a spit in the face of humanity.

    was Israel not attacked?

    I genuinely have issues trying to discern the propaganda from the facts.

    from what I gathered, I believed that Israel just took some land on which other people were living ~70 years ago, displacing these people.
    Those peoples didn’t like being displaced and tensions grew, until attacks happened on Israel, to which Israel had mixed responses with violence and suppression, rinse, repeat and escalate for decades.

    Now Israel had it with attacks from Palestine, and is going with the only chance it sees at maybe stopping it, which is a very violent war, presumably with the target of breaking the hope of resistance for Palestine (probably with lessons from the US interventions of the last 50-ish years where more civilized approaches failed)

    If this (very simplified) view were correct, it seems that they are acting out of self defense, at least if you accept the existence of Israel, because if not they are the aggressors for occupying the space in the first place.