is there is anyway to use chromecast with firefox?
thats the only reason im still attached to chrome
what are you looking for is multireddit equivalent and i dont know if there is one here
Try changing sorting posts
Since i was able to import my settings backup from sync for reddit, I’ll be here more often
Knew it even before i opened it
At least it’s not filled with bots
If you build it they will come
your first mistake is discussing politics with family members, your second mistake is adding family members to Instagram
Sorry i meant go back, it was a typo
Not on android
Can you add “swipe to go back” gesture
Unfortunately none, unless you can install /e/ custom rom on your phone
I use koreader for my kindles and it works like charm, for all books and documents extensions
please add the option to hide child comment by default
That would be great, thanks
When i browse all every other post i get is politics or musk