Yea like… i don’t know what else i was expecting to hear, or why that reveal was so funny
Yea like… i don’t know what else i was expecting to hear, or why that reveal was so funny
Even worse, it seems clear to me that news outlets squash stories of self immolation. They did the same with the ‘activist’ who did it on earth day a few years ago, and it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that major media outlets have had the same mandate to hide these stories since vietnamese monks were doing it to protest the vietnam war.
Sounds like harlan ellison’s “i have no mouth and i must scream” but in a lame chud way
I was trying to read Anti-oedipus by Deleuze& Guattari, but now I’m actually reading their “what is philosophy” since I was pretty fucking lost. Maybe not lost, but not exactly prepared for the density.
I like the way you phrase “asymptomatically approaching normal” 👍. I think i know the feeling, almost like you have to iterate a brand new personality to interact with the world. Previous normal is just kind of shattered into fragments that inform the new normal, but there’s a real uncomfortable space in between.
Ive been “blessed” with many experiences i describe as spiritual.
Well, being around death was pretty cerebral for one. Felt sad obviously, but like a full awareness my life had suddenly changed. You sure appreciate things differently.
Psychedelics did (…or do?) the trick in my case, but your mileage may vary, what can i say. Buyer beware. I come away with profound insights that help me cultivate a sense of, or develop a “relationship” with, you know… the divine. It feels like a trip, man. And then afterwards life still seems to confirm its trippiness.
Magick is another thing i might say triggered a spiritual experience. My first real “spell” was a simple chaos magick sigil casting experiment, and it blew my mind. I had what felt like a full blown psychedelic experience from that, even though i wasn’t on anything.
Also, at the rehab i went to (p m unrelated, but not not part of my experience), they offered “Holotropic Breathwork”. The things i experienced in that state while totally sober were some of the most viscerally profound, and life-changing intensities I’ve gone thru. Far out.
Yoga & meditation are also good catalyst’s. I got those as tools in rehab, too. Even with shoddy commitment to them, they seem to continue deepening the whole syndrome.
Shit can still suck but u learn to roll with it, cuz we’re all one thing experiencing itself,… so i guess it’s fine. 🤷
The numbers on forearms used to keep track of holocaust prisoners used by the nazis… was a proprietary system developed by IBM for the nazis. Does that count?
Youre what’s for sale. When they log your biometric data, like images of your face, voice, or fingerprints, then sell that to a 3rd party, it’s literally the things that make you an individual that are up for sale. Neat huh
I have a random fun fact about beelzebub…
There’s some dispute, but Baal zebub seems to have been a derogatory term used by ancient israelites against the philistine deity, Ba’al (lord), calling him baal zebub, or the lord of flies.
Occult circles have demonized the figure over time, but yea. Ancient racists who thought of the philistines as pests, and blatantly insulted their religion by renaming their lord to ‘lord of the flies’.