1\2 way through Catch-22
1\2 way through Catch-22
Looking at the screen now and that is correct
Theres 4 bonus missions
Mr Blondes Revenger for finishing on Agent.
Maian SOS for finishing on Special Agent.
WAR! for finishing on Perfect Agent.
Duel for getting at least a bronze on all weapons in firing range.
New difficulty setting called Perfect Dark unlocked by beating all levels on Perfect Agent.
You can cheese some of the firing range by selecting the laptop gun on bronze, turn to the wall behind you (or where ever you want it) and throw it, when it folds up and disappears out of sight but before its thrown pause the game, cancel out of laptop gun, and choose the one your having issues with. Once it starts the laptop gun should then finish throwing and help out.
Loved playing through the game again but on PC
Edit: fixed difficulty name
Everyone I know that played at launch when I asked if it was worth getting told me no, even more so after the first few patches
Implies Canberra is where the politicians live which is false, they are only in Canberra for a few days per year
The propaganda films say that the bugs are attacking by flinging asteroids from the other side of the milky way, do you know how long that would take? Also we never see any bugs in space, just the plasma getting thrown, never see how they are supposedly throwing these asteroids.
What are you doing to it to need 2 battery replacements in four years, I have a Note20 Ultra 5G bought at release, still using the original battery. Battery health is estimated to still be over 90%
Opened up DND Beyond to check since i remember rolling it before and its there, its between D8 and D10, the picture shows 2 dice
They need to be willing, but it doesn’t say they get a choice or have preference for what they reincarnate as, or even if they know its reincarnate vs revivify or another spell
"You touch a dead humanoid or a piece of a dead humanoid. Provided that the creature has been dead no longer than 10 days, the spell forms a new adult body for it and then calls the soul to enter that body. If the target’s soul isn’t free or willing to do so, the spell fails.
The magic fashions a new body for the creature to inhabit, which likely causes the creature’s race to change. The GM rolls a d100 and consults the following table to determine what form the creature takes when restored to life, or the GM chooses a form."
If your enjoying it then don’t worry about the negative comments. Unlike some other space games you dont do much travel yourself, you fast travel everywhere which means seeing the same non-skippable cutscenes again and again, i fast travel to the system, then fast travel to the planet, then fast travel to the surface; then if i want to go elsewhere on the planet i have to fast travel back to orbit then back down to the planet. Its “fast travel:the video game” Given that similar games have managed to let you fly your ship from space down and around the planet for years now I dont why you cant in this, im constantly pulled out of playing for a loading screen
Why should they compromise because Microsoft demanded feature parity between their two consoles? They even had Microsoft engineers try and couldn’t get it to work with splitscreen on the S. If Microsoft wanted the S treated the same as the X they should have included more RAM. Games shouldn’t be held back because Microsoft released a console that’s between generations.
Might have had fun playing it if we didn’t have to try the same mission 5+ times because the vehicle we were meant to steal didn’t spawn in, if when i go to an area to kill the rival gang there its empty. Person i was trying to play with couldn’t get the fast travel points which was a bug as i tried to get it for them by using their computer and couldn’t but on mine i could. Things like that meant we lost interest very quick
Early access worked well for them, part of the start of the game was able to be play tested, the community got to give feedback, and they actually listened, its how it should be done
Technically, one Star Wars game should be called Star Wars: Dark Forces IV: Jedi Knight III: Jedi Outcast II: Jedi Academy