My cats will just swat at the bug until it’s crippled and fuck off, leaving me to carry out the mercy kill. Little assholes.
My cats will just swat at the bug until it’s crippled and fuck off, leaving me to carry out the mercy kill. Little assholes.
I’ve been trying to lose weight by making gradual changes in my eating habits in the hopes that it will result in a big change that i can stick to for the rest of my life and I’ve learned a reasonably sized slice of pizza and a salad is pretty satisfying and salad really does go well with pizza. It’s not super healthy and by no means an everyday meal, but it’s better than eating half a large pizza in one sitting like i used to.
My mom would talk like this; she had the displeasure of being raised by people that had Klan ties and was never fully deprogrammed. Absolutely terrifying.
Always put a damp towel underneath a cutting board so it doesn’t move when you’re using it. I credit this in combination with safe knife holding techniques as the reason why my comically clumsy ass hasn’t had to go to the ER to get stitches/reattach digits in the 15 years I’ve been cooking.