Fuck dammit. The thieves are foreign born. You know that some people are going to home in on that and use it as proof that we need to reduce immigration and increase deportations, hopefully it will not be anyone too influential.
Fuck dammit. The thieves are foreign born. You know that some people are going to home in on that and use it as proof that we need to reduce immigration and increase deportations, hopefully it will not be anyone too influential.
You are almost 2000 years old? Wow, how do you keep up with the fashion century to century?
Some team would still trade good pieces for him in hope of hanging up a banner and convincing him to stay. The Raptors tried to give Kawhi Stockholm Syndrome.
Kyrie was a known asshole and diva, and the Mavs had no problem trading for him. The only way this makes sense is if tomorrow we find out Luka was point shaving.
I am curious about why you say that, since people arguing such things tend to bring up some super fun arguments. For example the case for Rodman being the GOAT.
I am hoping that the Joycon mouse mode turns out real and used in some interesting ways.
I agree that Honey is a sleazy extension, but should I be worried that if they lose, it will set a bad precedent? From the video, the Honey extension works by injecting a Honey referral code into all online shopping transactions, possibly overwriting whatever influencer referral code the user was under. If Honey loses, the court decision is likely to say that an extension creator is liable if they tamper with referral codes and tracking links.
This will be a problem for privacy extensions that strip out tracking cookies and referral URLs, since they are also messing with influencer attribution, though not for profit but at the request of the user.
I swear he and Steph Curry are not actually good at playing offense, they just hacked in an aim bot.
If they have a great meta-search algorithm, users would be able to search without an account and see how great the results are. Then, when a user wants to personalize ranking and block sites, they can create an account.
I always assumed that they make you create an account to track search usage and cut you off once you hit the free tier limit.
Uncharted and Last of Us are first party Sony games. If they were to say that a game can still be enjoyable without cutting edge graphics no one would want to buy the latest PlayStation iteration.
Maybe, but I could see the Celtics falling short due to lack of size. Even when everyone is healthy, the Celtics front court tends to be one big player and two small forwards. Not that they have much of a choice since their two best bigs are Horford, who is too old to play for long stretches, and Porzingis, who is injury prone. In the playoffs last year, the Celtics struggled to contain dominant bigs like Bam.
It would be a nice gesture, but I will believe those promises of support when they have teeth to them.
What happens if they stop doing it? Do I have to sue them for breach of contract, have to prove actual damages, and settle the class action lawsuit for $5 in store credit?
What happens if the company goes bankrupt or creates a new subsidiary to service the product and the subsidiary folds?
What level of support are they obligated to provide? What issues must be fixed and how promptly?
If WB really wanted to tank their game division, they would do what they did with movies and start cancelling almost finished projects for a tax write off
I feel like there is some context to this meme that I am missing.
I am a little disgusted by this because now both major browser engines are being developed by an advertising company, creating more incentives for future web technologies that strengthen tracking and undermine ad blocking.
From what I understand, this is an anonymized targeted ad company. In other words, ads are still targeted to the individual user, it is just harder for the advertiser to track (or profile) an individual user. Are there any companies still doing untargeted ads, ads where the advertiser might pick what site their ad goes on but cannot target a specific user demographic?
Tie more positive things to the federal minimum wage, for example tax brackets and retirement fund contribution limits. They go up every single year, so the government will either have to keep raising the minimum wage or go on the record to justify why the ratio is wrong.
But that only works for untrusted code escaping a sandbox, right? It does not help with malicious code embedded into legitimate seeming apps. The later vector seems easier, especially on Android, no?
Why the hell did OP not put the name of the game in the post?
It is Tavern Keeper by the way.
Not just losers. Dennis Rodman is in the Hall of Fame. The 90s were a different time. Many of Green’s antics would have ended up with him getting beaten up.
I assume that the PS5 Pro is great for its target audience: people who care about getting the best possible graphics on a console. They bought it, they tried it, they loved it, and they praised it. The issue with the PS5 Pro is that not everyone fits into that niche. For people who are not playing on giant 4K TVs, what is the benefit? What does it provide that a regular PS5 (or even a PS4) does not? Sony has not provided an answer, from what I have seen.