That’s a lost cause. She also hates me and uses swear words in every second sentence to curse both me and China.
That’s a lost cause. She also hates me and uses swear words in every second sentence to curse both me and China.
1337x to the rescue :p
I like that one :)
Always has been. There will never be peace on Earth for as long as the USA exists.
Keep your extensions to a minimum. The more you install, the greater your risk of being fingerprinted by websites and installing a malicious extension. I just use uBlock Origin, Bitwarden, Multi Account Containers and Sponsorblock.
Kamala Harris: Genocide is fine, just don’t give us too much bad PR.
If your nation’s very existence relies on genocide, it most certainly doesn’t deserve “a right to exist”. Imperialist fascist scum, the both of your countries.
If you must use the F-droid repo, use Neo Store instead. The official F-droid client has severe security issues.
To be fair, those apps were plagued with poor security practices to begin with. Switch to GrapheneOS and get your apps via Obtainium. Check out privsec.dev for why you shouldn’t use F-droid. Open source apps are great but some have really bad security practices unfortunately.
Can’t wait for Hamas and Putin to win and seeing imperialist Western pigs cry.
Are we the baddies?
For as long as the imperialists equate Judaism with Israel, that’s gonna be a real challenge. Let’s not forget that the Nazis were supportive of Zionism.
Literally every single one is sold out atm. :(
To be fair, their argument is “look how many companies you’d need to boycott, you’ll never be able to haha” to which my answer is “watch me”.
The iron dome is a joke compared to the S-300, never mind the S-400.
Great, now help doing it IRL.
Russia should back Palestine. At least deliver them some S-300 air defense systems.
It’s time to wipe this fascist colony off the map. Free Palestine from the river to the sea!
Sure but say you actually do need a printer?
She’s from the mainland.