Happy. But skeptical. I like the people I work with, I have a ton of flexibility, and I’m so well paid that it’s a little weird. I like this stuff, and would do most of it for free. But the MegaCorp I work at has been tightening their screws with worker hostile stuff: removing benefits, changing pay structures, trying to force me to go to the office, and etc. All that changes how I look at what I’m doing. They are, of course, psychopaths. I always knew that but thought I found a comfortable little groove in the system to do things I like with people I like. Now… Less. There’s an undercurrent of coercion that makes me feel a little icky, and now I’m more ready to roll the dice on change and seeing what’s next.
There’s so many friggin nerds sailing that it’s ridiculous. Who else makes so much so as to indulge in such a wildly expensive hobby?
Never mind the ultra rich nerdy boat names (Bayseienne, Steve Job’s weird thing, the sensible and utilitarian Google barge with all the toys, and Oracle guy’s toys, and on and on), there’s soooooo many more minor nerd boats with names like “Dream SQL” and etc.