We need to weather the storm and come back strong. We need a FDR 2.0 to transition from chaos and oligarchy into a more equitable America with universal healthcare and more support for struggling Americans.
We need to weather the storm and come back strong. We need a FDR 2.0 to transition from chaos and oligarchy into a more equitable America with universal healthcare and more support for struggling Americans.
I think it is more about the nature of work in today’s world. I think if we each felt that our day to day labor contributed to a better world where we were taking care of eachother, we would be proud of our labor and have a desire to continue bringing about good things. But, a lot of us don’t see how our work helps the world, or if we do, we don’t share in the reward for doing so.
This piece criticizes people who vote for Trump and Boris Johnson because they identify as “fans” of these politicians vs being aware of policy and voting based on that policy. It says that fans who come together to celebrate are fine. It is the fandom of Trump that disrupts peoples lives, and he does not like how “fandom” is used in politics that impact millions of peoples lives.
What are going to use for email now?
The car metric is for a new car. I think it’s a valid assessment even if buying a used car is the better option for most people.
I don’t have the right answer. But I’ve tried to listen to different opinions and here are the take aways so far:
Plant some food. Anything at all. Microgreens in a window, a little garden, hanging tomato plant. Anything. Enjoy the cycle and try to be connected with the seasons, soil, and food.
Talk to people. I’m reading a book called Living Room Revolution that speaks on how important conversation is. Not to convince people of anything right away, but to show people you are part of their community. And to be a positive part of that community just by being willing to talk.
Understand that in all of history, there have been many awful governments. Many challenges that went unanswered for too long. Even now, there are millions, if not billions of people living in very bad conditions or under bad government, and yet, many can find positive parts of their day. We can too. And I hope that will help us make change. Before we figure out how to do that, we need to be nourished with good food and good social interaction.
Half the country has been conditioned to believe that “government is the problem” and now the Republicans won the house, senate and presidency this election. A mass movement would have to overcome all of this Republican resistence, right wing media resistence and then convince moderate Dems to go farther with healthcare reform than what could be accomplished under Obama. We’re moving in the wrong direction.
Purchase goods from employee owned entities. Support financial transitions away from shareholder owned entities to employee owned entities.
I love New England
Remember this meeting? https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/11/trump-pelosi-schumer-meeting-oval-1056862
You are right on why he bought it. But he then got funding from outsiders who would benefit from it’s transition away from effective gathering and communicating space
The position is to acknowledge results of an election. That should be enough. For more information there is a ton of resources like Harris’ website.
In a two party system this is always true. But what do you mean by “Trump”. What does it mean to not be like him?
This is a result of the electoral college. It is more important to get centrist states to vote than for millions urban voters to be excited.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/07/14/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-on-combatting-climate-change-and-building-a-clean-energy-economy/ She is far better on climate change than Trump. She supports an energy transition. Trump hates wind farms.
The FTC is just starting to go after oligopolies. So yes, institutions supported by Democratic bureaucrats are going after powerful conglomerates. Results can be seen in the denial of the Capri tapestry merger and the language used by the judge in the case.
Trump is the urban elitist you are referencing. Why does he get a pass from the voters from rural places?
The state of Maine disagrees. Dems got ranked choice to pass.
I also wish the Dems would promote more progressive policies. At the same time, the media does not celebrate the wins for Dems, such as the creation of the CFPB that Elizabeth Warren established. They don’t celebrate the response to oligopoly through review of mergers and acquisitions by the FTC under Lina Kahn. They don’t celebrate the reduced child poverty rate under the expanded child tax credit. Positive progress doesn’t make it to mass media even when it does happen, which isn’t often enough.
Yep. We will need Nuremberg trials to actually move on from this.