Not every package, but some of them. The remaining are dependencies. Essentially, one can (iteratively) copy paste the output list of apt autoremove
into apt install
until apt autoremove
doesn’t want to uninstall packages one intends to keep.
Not every package, but some of them. The remaining are dependencies. Essentially, one can (iteratively) copy paste the output list of apt autoremove
into apt install
until apt autoremove
doesn’t want to uninstall packages one intends to keep.
You can then either ‘install’ them with apt
, which does essentially only mark installed packags as manually installed or use e.g. synaptic for that.
It may be that it wants to uninstall some kde-plasma-desktop metapackage, not the whole bunch of all kde apps. If it is uninstalled, nothing crucially important happens. Try to remove it with apt
if you’re running some Debian or Ubuntu flavour.
You can install an and uninstall Flatpak applications in Linux as normal user.
After becoming autonomous in 1979, Greenlanders chose to leave the EEC, the precessor of the EU, by a referendum in 1982.
Bei YouTube laden die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen den Inhalt in der Regel selbst hoch und betreiben dort eigene Kanäle. Zur reinen Nutzung von YouTube ist kein Google-Konto erforderlich.
Gibt es deshalb ARD-Plus?
Edit: Oder geht es um das hier?
Fast. Für den Aufruf der ÖRR-Inhalte über Joyn war zwar kein Abo, aber ein Kundenkonto nötig. Es wurden also personalisierte Daten gesammelt und nebenbei wurde so auch noch Marktforschung bei der Konkurrenz betrieben.
Edit: Verlinkung und Formulierung angepasst.
Weißt Du die typische Rotordrehzahl so einer modernen WEA? Bei den 5 MW-Anlagen war das so bei 11-12 Umdrehungen pro Minute.
It’s not only the same elements, but the fact that all forms of life incorporate self-replicating DNA molecules.
Yes, most likely, all organisms on earth originate from the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA).
There is a joined nuclear planning group of NATO where France is not and never was part of (while the UK is) and thus, preserving independence in that matter.
It’s about the current (threat?) of purging Wikipedia from articles not fitting into the MAGA mind, e.g. climate, gender, race and others, as well as ‘cleaning’ the inventory of public libraries accordingly.
Hmm… Inwiefern Artikel 1 des GG dabei gewahrt bleibt, wenn wir die Flüchtlinge an der Grenze abgewiesen und nach Griechenland und Italien zurückgeschickt hätten, hat er in seinem Buch aber nicht erläutert oder?
As mentioned, the Deutsche Palästina Bank was founded in 1897 by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Deutsche Bank is a private bank founded in 1870 and 1957, respectively.
As far as I remember, Poland chose to cooperate with SK, as the German companies did not allow technology transfer and manufacturing of components in Poland, while South Korea did. Additionally it was also about the manufacturing capacities and the time frame of delivery. So, they didn’t chose SK over Germany, just because Germany is their neighbour.
The coordination between France and Germany in developing the FCAS was already a mess and only improved as the current MoDs harmonize on a personal level. Germany would take the leading role in developing the future MBT, while in exchange France was allowed to lead the development of the FCAS. Involving even more countries doesn’t improve that aspect.
Personally, I also would prefer, if the competences would be coordinated on EU level to avoid this haggling. While some competence is beneficial to the outcome, a lot resources are wasted as too much work is done redundantly.
Perhaps it’s carrying nuclear boms on behalf of the US is what makes this special. It’s not like a regular bomb or missile.
I didn’t want to write “industrial espionage”, but effectively it’s not very different from that, except it doesn’t happen secretly.
Exactly, but in the media, it was framed as we are always doing our own thing instead buying from US, as this would be faster and cheaper. However, the radical shift of US politcs in the last weeks shows, it was a good choice to avoid US products where possible and we have to develop replacements for those US systems we are currently using too.
Thanks for the information about the cerification procedure of the Eurofighter. I’ve thought it was more about the time this would take instead of the inherent transfer of knowledge that would go along with it when providing all documentation and blueprints.
Wenn ich den Kommentar von richtig verstanden habe, setzt ein Angriffszenario voraus, dass sich ein Angreifer physisch Zugriff zur Hardware verschafft, um eine kompromittierende Firmware aufzuspielen, oder sich eine Solche bereits auf dem Chip befinden muss.