Funny that you mentioned 2048 specifically, that one got me on the high way one time. For half a second I thought I could get past traffic if I compressed all the cars in front of me into the right lanes.
Funny that you mentioned 2048 specifically, that one got me on the high way one time. For half a second I thought I could get past traffic if I compressed all the cars in front of me into the right lanes.
Yeah but 6969 is pretty bright!
The way I see it, Dark Matter is just a psuedonym for “Whatever is causing gravity to work differently at a galaxy scale than at a solar system scale”. And further, Dark Energy is just a term for “Whatever is causing gravity to work differently at an inter-galactic scale than at a intra-galactic scale or solar system scale”.
But, if we want to entertain the technical aspects of the thought, there’s nothing in the definition of Matter that says it interacts with anything besides gravity (light, magnetism, etc) on its own. Just that it has mass (ie generates gravity) and cant occupy the same space as other mass. We already know via colliders that the higs bosson is the sub-particle solely responsible for Mass, way smaller than the scale of an atom. And we also know that magnetism, electric charge, and by extension light rely on electrons, which exist only at the atomic scale. So its not implausible to think that mass can exist separate from any of the things that we can detect with our other favorite methods (pretty much just different wavelengths of light) besides just the gravity they generate. In this case, gravity IS the thing we’re using to detect it.
The AI really just said “Stop being such a try-hard, its a game.”
Ironically enough, starting with Philosophy gets you to a loop that includes “logic”, “reason”, and a few others, but never leads back to philosophy.
I have no clue about the old launcher, but the current launcher allows you to select any version all the way back past alpha. It was a lot of fun to try to hunt down which version I probably first played.
Portal RTX looked amazing. But it was a short game and many of the environments are aesthetically samey. I am wildly excited for HL2 to get the same treatment with all its varied environments.
I did it myself with my note 9, which I would guess is about the same difficulty level. It was honestly not so bad, you just wanna really take your time and especially have a lot of patience with the screen. The other possibility though is that you have some compressed fluff deep inside the port. The only thing I’ve ever gotten deep enough to fish that stuff out is a sowing needle.
I once pirated Pirates of the Caribbean while on a cruise in the Caribbean. It was absolutely a high point in my life.
Yeah, even if it IS true that it’s not juicy right now, doesn’t that mentality run directly contradictory to the desire for linux to become more popular? We’re trying to increase market share, so the “not a juicy target” idea is a very wreckless way of thinking.
I think the idea is to form a habit or a tick that is so strong it carries over to your dream. So like, if you commit to wearing a watch everyday, and check it every 5 minutes, eventually you’ll do it in your dreams too. Then, you don’t have to intentionally check whether you’re in a dream, hoprfully you’ll just catch the time being wildly different and be like “holy crap this was a dream??”
That is super awesome, but yeah, sounds like the kinda thing you should keep underground. Too many cool projects have been killed because they went public.
Battlebit is a lot of fun, and absolute chaos. But it’s the kinda thing you’ll probably want to switch off of after a few rounds so having minecraft to switch back to is a great balance.
They finally did it?? I was using the thunder-something fork for a while because of that, but I always prefer sticking with the base project if I can.
That’s awesome! Are there any draw backs to the debian version? I feel like they’d just abandon Ubuntu if there was really no difference.
Honey hasnt found me a coupon in probably over a year. Idk how it didn’t click to me until now that its just more spyware. Theres no way the big corps are just okay with people paying less for evwrything unless they get something else out of it
James and the giant peach was already an all around unsettling movie, but that thunderstorm rhino scared the bejeebes out of me as a kid.
I still play pubg. It’s a total dogshit game and the only players clinging to it are the crazy competative try-hards. BUT I’ve got my 3 buddies that I play with and its a great time because of that. I would never recommend it to anyone playing alone tho
I thought my 3080 was an irresponsible splurge when I bought it, but every day I love that thing more and more.