When you say shit, do you mean actual shit or herbicides? One of those would be absolutely disgusting, and the other doesn’t kill dandelions, I think.
When you say shit, do you mean actual shit or herbicides? One of those would be absolutely disgusting, and the other doesn’t kill dandelions, I think.
Your neighbor does what with their grass?
Yep, that’s just the deity.
There’s also pronunciation videos, FYI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pklyVXkYgk&t=35s
Chalchiuhtlicue [t͡ʃaːɬt͡ʃiwˈt͡ɬikʷeː]
That cat sounds german!
Wenn Schaffroth ihn so verunsichert, dann wird Söder doch bestimmt auch vom nächsten Nockherberg (12. März) fern bleiben, richtig, richtig?
I can see the reflection of spicy tuna in his hungry eyes.
I would really love to see something similar for other languages.
Here’s the latest survey results for C++, FYI: https://isocpp.org/blog/2024/04/results-summary-2024-annual-cpp-developer-survey-lite
It just came so natural! ^^
Schrödinger’s cat itself is a meme (https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/schrodingers-cat), did you not know?
But does it affect the object that is emitting the wave?
If you look at an object that is moving near the speed of light, it appears rotated, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrell_rotation.
But why is the car stretched? And why doesn’t it appear rotated?
Did you take into account that the car is not driving directly towards the viewer?
Aber wieso wird das dann nicht verständlich, z.B. von der tagesschau, kommuniziert. Bei “Laut Veranstalter waren es <deutlich größere Zahl>” klingt es so, als würden die ihre Zahlen pushen. Warum nicht “Laut Veranstalter waren es X Teilnehmer insgesamt. Laut Polizei waren es Y Teilnehmer gleichzeitig zu einem Zeitpunkt”?
Cool! How big is it? Could you add something for scale?