To answer your question seriously, no. Having pictures or videos of a 15 year olds breast is not by default porn, it’s only porn once it’s in a sexual context.
To answer your question seriously, no. Having pictures or videos of a 15 year olds breast is not by default porn, it’s only porn once it’s in a sexual context.
Dihydrogen monoxide
I dunno man it’s really simple I dunno why you don’t get it. If I watch my coworker murder/rape someone and I do nothing about it, I’m just as much a bastard as the coworker.
It’s that simple.
It’s harsh to criticise people for not working for free…
Right but a small company or even a group of people aren’t going to put resources into something that a few % of people use. Look at Linux, despite it being the most used operating system in the world, retail sticks to windows and Mac, so it just doesn’t get the same level of support.
I completely agree in the sense people should educate themselves and use products that benefit them and don’t abuse them, but people don’t. And because people don’t, companies won’t.
You said it better than I could
Most people don’t use federated services. I know it’s ironic that an open source project isn’t using open source channels, but sometimes it’s best to stick to services that are easy access and popular.
I’m sure if enough people got in contact about using open source communication they would likely attempt it.
Xdefiant feels nice
I’ve found that the better I’ve gotten at writing prompts and giving enough information for it to not hallucinate, the better answers I get. It has to be treated as what it is, a calculator that can talk, make sure it has all of the information and it will find the answer.
One thing I have found to be super helpful with GPT4o is the ability to give it full API pages so it can update and familiarise it’s self with what it’s working with.
I don’t see the hamas entry for Eurovision
You can’t claim to be non political and kick Russia out for invading Ukraine but let Israel stay in while committing genocide.
That in itself is a political statement.
There’s no reason that local governments can’t do this job, there’s no need for middle men leaching money.
Honestly if it came with documentation I’d be willing to pay for the game server software
Yes but no, companies don’t buy servers anymore typical, they use services like AWS for scalability which charge an absolute fortune.
They could even sell the server for a final income if they’re greedy enough
I’m a big fan of Huawei products. Incredible build quality and reasonable prices. I personally don’t care if the CCP spies on me so it’s not a big issue for me.
Because my thumbs always took me to Rif when I was bored so once I can’t do that I’ll default go to lift off
Idk man if you’re talking about Lemmy there’s not much respect going on in here, alot of comments get disappeared. It’s like the mods are on cocaine constantly sometimes.
I got accused of being transphobic and banned from an instance because I said that hate towards trans people is a dead cat argument. I forgot that America literally wants to kill trans people my bad.