Who needs to organize a general strike when they’ll just do it for us
Who needs to organize a general strike when they’ll just do it for us
Good, someone should ban him from existence
He we all doing 5 months later?
Huh, wonder where all that “this is the process you need to suck it up and go with it” energy went.
Maybe they should build a wall about it, only thing Texans know how to do.
Same thought. “One motivated marine and his rifle…” etc etc
Bah, why dull a perfectly good blade on him… Do the old “wall and send his family a bill for the ammo” routine
All the Maga tiktok livestreams right now saying “this is now coming to our front door” and I’m here saying
Good, if you commit fraud like this, you deserve it. Tired of the roles getting shot by pigs for not raising hands fast enough while the 1% skate off
It’s finally… Her turn
We don’t want her here in jersey, we have enough dumpster fires
He looked at the drawing
He ain’t breathing no more
Where is the lie?
Fucking ridiculous in 2023. If I want to have a 300 character password, that’s my business, hate these arbitrary rules of a max number, no special characters…
Wow, watch space investment suddenly become important again to avoid commie moon bases (again)
[continues to write checks and send weapons to isntreal]
Hang gliders can’t melt rave concerts, I’m an introvert
Set the app to be restricted to PIN access only, no bio unlock, can’t compel that info without a warrant.
Then app dev has you set up two pins: The first is the same as the phone unlock pin, which is the app self destruct (or just doesn’t decrypt data) and then a different pin that does the data decrypt, so this way if they compelled your pin and then try to open the app with the same one, oops, phone glitch, data gone.