Drag you killed blahaj, you are an extremely impressive troll.
Drag you killed blahaj, you are an extremely impressive troll.
Do you have a link to another site that’s an encyclopedia of human history and reality that has been vetted by dozens of lifelong committed editors and is properly sourced?
You’re a man quipping back on a post about men forcing themselves to women’s spaces.
I used to think differently, but men who force their way into conversations just to say “not all men” are part of the problem.
There’s no actual understanding, just correction and dismissal.
That’s not enough people, but we should definitely watch them
That sounds civilized and reasonable
I fear in the next US election people will vote with their guns
We should all start asking around our local auto shops that handle software and ask if they disable gps or internet services.
It’s not illegal to modify your own vehicle (yet) so jailbreaking these shitty cars would be an awesome service.
Another issue that’s starting to pop up in “inclusive” communities that don’t have active enough mods and admins is users had to start policing their own spaces, and then the admins get upset with the vitriol directed at the trolls and force the community to repsect the trolls and wait until the reports eventually get through.
No reason to out yourself lol
The pushed two of them out of the airplane
Removed by mod
They work for the same rich masters
The Neolibs in control of the party will burn the country down befor losing power or telling their rich donors that they have to make some concessions
They haven’t allowed a primary election since 2016 where they almost lost control of the party to leftists.
Illegal raids without warrants.
Wonder when the first squad of Ice agents is going to get gunned down via castle doctrine?
They so desperatly want a hidden militia to come out of the woodwork and coup the country for them
Those people are either dead from covid, too old to fight for their coup, or are just LARPers and actually aren’t interested in dying for a con man.
We need to contain their garbage to their dead site.
Block x
You’re welcome to try to educate them, if you can manage to penetrate their egos.
I’ve tried educating them, but it’s kind of hard when they already beleive fake bullshit and literally can’t be reasoned with because religious people don’t require reason to believe something.
Religon shamed them into hating themselves and their neigbors, so I find shame to be a much more effective tool, even if they don’t manage to self reflect they’ll probably feel stupid and shut up like they were trained.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
The Dems failing to pass helpful legislation is different than scrapping the country and having the peices sold off by Donald Trump
But to a centrist everything that isn’t shoveling ice cream into their stupid maw is equally evil