When internally, you have multiple teams competing, you get the following lmaoo
When internally, you have multiple teams competing, you get the following lmaoo
Sure for major artists pulling in millions a year, but at that point fuck em. For indy and unsigned artists, directly buying their media goes basically straight to them and is usually the highest margin item they have. If they are a massive artist sure their merch has economy of scale setup and they rake in money through that but I don’t support massive wealth inequality so they can fuck right off.
We can tell it’s already effecting you by trying to suggest nasa is a waste, when we spend 100 times it’s budget on wasted military contracts or the fact we do have a tax bracket that allows someone to even become a billionaire instead of taking back excessive wealth stolen from workers in predatory labor markets. There are other areas we should be getting this money for the public and it sure as hell shouldn’t be from aeronautic or space research ffs.
How about bitch about the actual wasteful military spending instead of scientific research into physics and understanding the dynamics of sonic booms. Nasa has like .1% of the military budget ffs.
From what’s read, those capacitors are needed to run the high wattage lasers, i.e. they need the charge to be stable and attempt to sustain self-sustaining reactions, the time they get for the reaction is the time it takes the capacitors to discharge. Doesn’t seem like any of the headlines are doing anything but baseless hype acting like we have a reaction that created more enegry than was used to create it. Sure repeating the same reaction is progress but that’s not what is being sensationalized, the cherry picked energy consumption vs production stats is and its extremely misleading.
Talk about a completely trash meme. Go take your sexism and shitty understanding of development somewhere else.
Cool and that’s all that matters here, unless they could scale this to the point they can use the excess to power to recharge the capacitors, for now its not actually net positive and is hype for hypes sake.
That’s not how capacitors work lol, they may see stability for a bit but they would need to scale this up large enough that those capacitors are being fueled from the reaction. This is hype for the sake of hype…
Sounds like you didn’t read the article or headline and think it’s an article from the first time we achieved this. Even then, your numbers are off it seems. Are you actually close to the experiment and know the output?
Sounds like you are just repeating the article without understanding it. They still have to pre charge the capacitors used with the laser, while once charged, they only use so much energy in the process you still have to charge the capacitors and acting like that is not part of the process is extremely disingenuous when charging them takes like 16x the energy generated from fusion before the test can even begin. Ffs
Exactly can we stop acting like it was actually a net positive when we dismissed the energy used to charge the capacitors in this process.
You also had them redefining what a recession is so they can say the US is not in one. For the longest time it was defined as 2 consecutive quarters without gdp growth. Now that’s only the case sometimes according to them, at least i think the article still states that its a new US opinion but the edit war on that one was insane. We need more accountability for this for sure.
LJ has stated nothing is collected once you pay as the ad library is no longer initialized. Other users were able to confirm that no more tracking requests were made after ad free/ultra were purchased.
D-VHS for the win over both of those 😂
Look at all the market strategies that use this simple trick to get people riled up. It’s not that we are inherently moving towards tribalism, it’s that pushing tribalism generates tons of money. As long as we stay focused on greed and determining worth based on monetary systems, we are doomed to keep falling into that trap. Creating some divide like that is just the easiest and most reliable way to generate interactions with whatever you are trying to push. Plus it primes people to accept something worse off than both parties’ situation at the start of the conflict as they now want it over and done with. We can definitely be better if we stop chasing dollars and start chasing community and growth.
You let the bullshit swaps and bonds built around the debt here explode instead of paying them while erasing the obligation from the students, allowing the massive and over leveraged banks positions around these to fail. There needs to be consequences for that type of predatory lending and the biggest problem is not even laws it’s enforcement of those laws and the small fines being dished out in comparison making people like you think 1.6T is so massive we cant do shit. The Federal Reserve, a for-profit organization not federal besides its name, have printed and injected about 17T into the banks for relief sense 2017, this is peanuts comparatively and gives millions of people relief and the ability to interact meaningfully with the economy instead of being more enslaved to debt. That creates opportunities, growth, and more chances for someone to be able to donate time and money to charities or other similar types of organizations in their community. Where as now people can’t even get time to vote between paying for loans. That helps no one and creates more issues. Your answer of just ignoring the problem adds nothing of value here, nor does it yield any solution, if your gonna attack someone else’s position, at least have another one you can actually defend first.
I hadn’t created an account til today. I was going to just use sync for reddit with the revanced patch at first but I decided to just ghost reddit until this came out, and now I’m getting my sync fix again lol so far so good, besides there being a bit less content on lemmy vs reddit the experience so far it has been great. Plus, it feels like fewer bots, at least for now, so that’s also a major plus.
Liberalism: a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.
I think you are conflating the free enterprise to mean endorsement of late stage capitalism instead of a system of actual market competition. Please don’t base this on the complete market capture demonstrated in the US currently. If anything the US is more like an authoritarian oligarchy with the illusion of democracy peddled through conflicting culture wars in the media. While there are great ideologies in play in something like socialism the reality is unless you could end the idea of money tomorrow their will always be inducements and incentives to hoard and leverage outsized resources outside of which ever community produced them in the first place. It’s why US resource capture on smaller nations works effectively, and it’s why Russian oligarchs have most of their wealth outside of Russia, etc.
Marxists are materialists. This is in contrast with the idealism of Liberals. While Liberals believe ideas are the force which drives change in the material world, Marxists understand that ideas are just a reflection of the material conditions they emerge from.
Liberal vs Marxist has nothing to do with being a materialist or idealist, and trying to conflate them like they are is very disingenuous and misleading. Not to mention that is not what a materialist even is. A materialist is someone who values possessions for comfort, think a hyper consumer, where as an idealist is routed in ideals, like equality for all, regardless of the difficulties in trying to accomplish such a task. If anything by your definitions a Marxist would be an idealist fueled by an ideal (communism) , and a liberal would be someone on either side as they value personal freedoms and ones ability to choose either ideology.
Either you are trying to be intentionally misleading or you need to take a step back from your own propaganda as you are parroting off information that is completely ill informed at best or intentionally misleading at worst. There are definitely issues in US institutions, but a liberal is not going to defend the shortcomings, they would be proposing ranked choice voting, imposing age limits, redefining our checks and balances, and making sure these systems are inherently democratic. We don’t even have a true left in the US, we have a moderate center and then people like Bernie who are just barely into the left political territory in the global scale of things. A conservative would be someone who values conserving existing systems and institutions or leaving them as initially intended as they aim to conserve status quo. Seriously take a step back my friend, seems like you have been lost in an echo chamber for a while.
It still takes dev time, and that’s expensive, and this is the beta implementation. Lj said he plans to add the lifetime option, but for this first release, he did not include it as he wanted to see how lemmy held up first. If this all died out in a couple weeks after the api changes from reddit, it would have been pointless. This allows for those of us who want to support the development now to enable him to focus full time. With thousands of users vs. the millions reddit had having a dollar purchase to remove ads, it just wouldn’t scale right now to make this a feasible full-time project.
Becareful that’s what everyone in the US thought, and then we got Trump and the Q brigade taking down our democracy.
I mean it’s ideals definetly started with people getting fed up over how money was getting aggregated, then it started getting tied to religion and the Roman empire coopted it to control any narratives, turning what was probably the first instance of eat the rich into we shall just wait to be rewarded. Like the turn the cheek phase was not meant to be submissive, it was meant to tell you how to make sure the slave owner when beeting you left a mark which was a way to earn freedom at that point in time. That got coopted into meaning to take punishment and not complain, which is fucking nuts. Guessing it’s why there are so many Jesus like story’s from that time frame about a dude born from a virgin, walking on water, etc. they tried numerous times to coopt the movement till it worked with Christianity.