• 22 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Things move and collide. Systems arrange themselves into patterns and come undone through disorder. The words we use to describe natural action exist indepenently of action itself. Momentum, symmetry, order, chaos, calculation. The words and definitions are made up, the phenomenon we attempt to encapsulate and abstractly represent is not.

    The concept of energy is connected to its counterparts, the flow of physical mass and the abstract information contained within the flow or guiding it.

    The various ways things act and paths followed to undergo change are what we attempt to understand through the theorems of math and symbolic physical laws of the universe. They are behind the fundamental layer-cake that is our reality.

    Encoded in the patterns of a swinging pendulum, the electron cloud vibrating around atoms, the wavelength quanta and redshifting of photons, the nuclear fusion and fission of elements in stars.

    Biological process of plant cell chloroplast, photon solar energy, carbon and water to churn sugar and protien. Dynamics of all living things based on complex calculative statistics relating food, resources, population size, and death rate.

    Electrical whizzing of neurons that make up the computations of biological minds. Lakes of water floating above head forming the convection cycle. Virtual particles that pop into and out of existence in the smallest scales of existence at high fractions the speed of light.

    Immense gravitational waves that emminate from two black holes merging their topologies. Infinitesimal gravitational pulls that relate you to the sun moon, planets, every comet, speck of dust, everything in the observable universe.

    These are all real observable things that exist whether or not we attempt to describe or sense them. Energy and information are everywhere because they make up everything.

  • @CubitOom@infosec.pub theres no need for finding a replacement. The benefit of open source projects is that theres usually someone who forks the project and continues the legacy if its popular enough.

    You are very fortunate github user agrhan forked your pass command based android password manager. Here’s a direct link to the apk snapshot while im at it.

    This is maintenance-only meaning it only updates dependencies. So don’t expect new features. There might be some others more actively worked on, but this is the most popular and stable one.

    In the future maybe take a moment to browse forks on the projects git page instead of just assuming the project is dead and running to a replacement.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtoTrees@lemmy.worldAdvice on thc oil
    1 day ago

    I assume you just bought regular over the counter oil with the bare minimum levels of THC like 0.25% and high amounts of CBN. Its not meant to get you high really. You were lucky to even get buzzed first time around.Your best bet is sublingual where you hold it under your tounge as long as you can stand before swallowing the oil.

    If you want to get high with good cannabanoid oil you need to make it yourself with sme thca hemp flower and fill up some gelatin pill capsules to lock down a proper dose.

    1. Download server files and run them. Modern Minecraft requires java runtime enviroment 17, 1.16 and belore jre8. If you have synaptic package manager search for jre there.

    2. I usually make a batch file to execute server. You can run jre as is by executing as an application but a batch file helps set memory size usage, nogui and stuff.

    3. It will stop on first server startup to produce a EULA text file. Open it up, set to true, save, restart server. See if you can connect through LAN by using another computer and entering your servers local IP address probably 10.0.0.xx:25565

    4. Open up the port for default mc server in your router so others can connect on public network. 25565, TCP+UDP, in out both ways. Make exceptions in your firewall too.

  • I dont know of theres a guarenteed way to know if its a ‘real photo’ but it checks some boxes for one. I’m not a photography nerd just making some assumptions. If you zoom into the picture you’ll see actual photograph grain which is visually distinct from typical digital photo lossy artefacting which implies this is a scan of a real picture.

    They did have color photography back then but it wasn’t true rgb color, the color film crystals were only capable of like green and blues so not great and tended to be washed out. His blue uniform and brown handbag look suspicously vibrant. I think this is likely digitally recolored.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldOPtoScience Memes@mander.xyzHexagons Are The Bestagons.
    3 days ago

    Regularly tesselated planes and platonic solids are mid. Absolutely oougah boogah brain tier topologies which is why engineers love them. Hexagons are just the least mid. Everyone including nature knows fractal geometry is where its at. When we master bioengineering to build our structures you better believe the precious 60/90/120 degree angles for ‘structural stability’ are going in the fucking trash annals of history in favor of fractal nanostructures forming organic seashell type buildings

  • Lots of time and effort went into the startup business with the office supply stuff I think. I can’t really blame the man for trying to diversify and make a little side business. I imagine the nerdy young adults in college who watch his videos make up a decent amount of his viewer base. He took a bet that demographic would be into overpriced fancy productivity notebooks, so its a know your audience type thing maybe. I still think his videos are a fun and informative watch.

  • The problem is that theres a real subset of people who pride themselves on not needing to know about the things they use and throw tantrums when forced outside their one-click UI spoonfed comfort zone.

    The modern ultra minimalistic simplistic UI design is largely to appeal to the lowest common denominator of human intelligence who can barely find the on button and freeze up when faced with the prospect of actually pushing it.

    Why should they have the learn about computer operating systems? Thats nerd shit. Why should they learn about car mechanics? Thats blue collar shit. Taking time out of your day to learn something or use two braincells to work your way out of a bad situation is a sign of defeat.

    The people who win life are those who never have to think for themselves, or struggle through a problem, or change their bad behaviors. Only idiots would ever intentionally give themselves more challenge or work, just use others. As long as they can get by on the slop of convinence and someone else to figure out things for them, they’re winners.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzgigachad
    7 days ago

    I love chunky pixels and great gameplay. I love games that you can get hundreds of hours of fun out of, only take up 1gb of storage, and can run smooth on a dinosaur PC. No DRM, supporting a small team who respect you as a supporter and passionately make a piece of interactive art you get to enjoy the rest of your life.

    The graphics snobs have the worst brain dead takes man. Not being able to enjoy a game just because it ask you to use creativity and imagination to interpret the art that acompanies the interactive experience. But I guess to each their own. Who knows maybe in 20 years when their old favorite games look like shit their tune might change. In the meantime I hope they enjoy the 170gb weekly updates for the newest unoptimized reheated game franchise. I hear the newest version of the Ark dinosaur game is doing just great, I’m sure the next assassins creed and cod and whatever Bethesda is making in between skyrim releases will give you a novel and memorable experience.