I make pizza quite often with 12 oz (340 g) dough balls. When I cut the pizza it’s usually 10 slices (5 cuts). 8 slices they’re too wide and need folding. 12 slices is too narrow. 10 is best. I usually eat 4 though, not 2.
I make pizza quite often with 12 oz (340 g) dough balls. When I cut the pizza it’s usually 10 slices (5 cuts). 8 slices they’re too wide and need folding. 12 slices is too narrow. 10 is best. I usually eat 4 though, not 2.
Odroid HC4 supports two drives in a toaster configuration.
I own two of them. They’ve been dropped many times. There are a few chips of paint off the bottom but none exposing the center plug. Lead isn’t radioactive. It’s perfectly safe as long as you don’t ingest it. I’m not happy there’s lead in the cups. But they’re still usable.
It’s a whole systemic breakdown. The maker knew of the potential for lead - ordered them without lead from the manufacturer, and had them tested by two independent labs. Christ sake what the hell else should they do? By the way before choosing a manufacturer in China this guy tried to find one in the US. Guess what? We don’t make double wall stainless in the US.
In order to detect lead, the paint has to be chipped away on the bottom of the cup. Kind of an extreme test.
Older isn’t always better. Pewter for instance was used in the kitchen and often contained lead.
I’ve been pretty happy with my GIR spatulas.
For measuring cups and spoons, any stainless should be safe and durable. This lead was found in the seal disc under the paint which only pertains to double wall stainless. If you want dance USA made set look at All-Clad.
These were tested twice before being brought to market. The labs didn’t test the bottom of the cup.
As an owner of these and other double wall stainless cups made in China, I wanted more information than this paywalled article. Somebody should start a lemmy instance that bans all paywall links.
Anyway the company was very diligent at preventing this but it still happened. See here:
For anyone interested in facts and not headlines, the lead is on the exterior of the cup, in the bottom under the powder coated paint. It’s a seal disc in the bottom. Lead poses a threat to health only if ingested. For this lead to be ingested you’d basically have to destroy the cup.
This part was interesting:
tested the top selling household kids cup brands and found lead under the stainless steel discs for every single kids cup brand.
I think it would be safe to assume you’ll find lead in the seal disc on the bottom of any double wall stainless made in China.
In a private tracker, I assume there are no narcs. If there was one they’d have to get a list of IP addresses for their intellectual property, then track down dozens of different ISPs to send them notices. If get a notice, I will delete the media, my account, etc. In court, the only proof they have is that my IP downloaded content. I will show them my public unprotected guest network, letting them know it was probably one of my neighbors. Unless they can find a copy, there’s not much more they can do. This is not legal advice. For actual legal advice see EFF.org.
yt-dlp can download videos using cookies from your web browser. I haven’t gotten it to work myself but there’s probably a tutorial somewhere.
Even better than cast iron: carbon steel.
Look into Filestash.
Not sure about Jellyfin but in Emby there are user settings to disable transcoding. They’re of the same lineage so maybe a good place to look.
You can get an Odroid HC4 for about $100. Use it as a NAS and run qbittorrent on that. Then your media can be immediately hosted once complete. You can also run Emby or Jellyfin to host media to your TV or other devices.
Democracy dies behind a paywall. Thank you.
Emby, Piwigo, HomeBridge, Omada Software Controller
yt-dlp works great with Tubi. Some great shows on there like How It’s Made can be archived and viewed ad-free. The movies however are encrypted streams.
Should be called Chexx
It is only immoral to steal and reproduce a work for profit. Actually I believe it is unethical to try to sell something for more than you paid for it, unless you’ve added value to it with labor. Ticket scalpers and medical supply hoarders for instance are scum.
Imagine if the Mona Lisa had such immense copyright protection that few have ever seen it. Well then I guess it wouldn’t be that famous would it. An artist or record label doesn’t own the recording any more than the sound engineer or instrument maker does.
The problem with digital piracy being considered stealing is that it’s based on a corrupt system to begin with: capitalism. The people who funded the movie didn’t MAKE the movie, the people in the credits did. Once it’s already made a fair profit in the cinema, the VFX artists who worked hundreds of OT hours don’t see another dime from your streaming subscription or digital download. And yeah capital is necessary to make films, but are we to judge the full legality and ethics of how that capital was attained in the first place? Remember, there’s no way to earn a billion dollars. You must take it.
Sometimes I can, other times I can’t. Same as in a bed.
But seriously did a lot of night time car trips when I was a kid. I think I was conditioned for car-colepsy. Oddest chair I fell asleep in was during a dental filling.