Do you remember the name of that game? I think any kind of game like that would be neat
Do you remember the name of that game? I think any kind of game like that would be neat
Wow I’m glad you put that second part lol. I was like “…Jesus” What is that a reference from? Now I’m curious, is it some comedy or similar?
Thanks for another great post. These give me such a feeling of nostalgia! Can’t believe I’m reading Tibia news. I used to no life that game as a kid haha. Might have to look into trying it out again. …I bet I could play it on the deck…
Did you play the first KCD on the steam deck? It’s on my list to play, but I haven’t looked at how it handles on there or if I should just use my actually medicine to play.
PS: where did that first image come from? The girl and cat in the arcade, I love it!
Thanks for the post, really fun to read. Especially enjoyed the Steam Deck focus, as I also am obsessed with it. Haven’t tried RetroDeck nor Junk Store, but sounds like I need to.
Hope you have more posts in the future :)
No one said what you said was fascism…? The other poster seemed to be implying that a candidate deemed “fine” should always be the better choice over a fascist.
Condemning fascism is not being combative.
Wow I need to find this shirt for my mother. She has been in what feels like a legit feud with the mayor and his wife for years. I don’t remember what even started it anymore.
If that other post is talking about the game I think they are, the people faking reviews were the publishing house, not the devs. The devs had been just as blindsided in that incident.
The publishers of that game (and many other games they published) allegedly had a private group where they gave out free steam keys and required the redeemers to give bogus positive reviews in exchange for the free games. Which is a shame because the game was actually super fun and ran great.
Well I see your reading skills are on par with your capacity for empathy…
Seeing stuff like this hurts to read. Sure a large majority who get hurt will probably be “those people” Sure it’s great it doesn’t affect you personally. It all just sounds incredibly callous and privileged to dismiss the suffering of others.
My fiancee and her mother have been spending every minute of visiting hours at the hospital. My fiancee’s father has been teetering on the verge of death. Their benefits and insurance are on the cutting block. Upon hearing about this news he mother came to us crying because she doesn’t know what they will do without it.
These are retired veterans who put in their time and have always voted left and for progressive policies. They are also some of the most caring and supportive people I’ve ever met. My fiancee often jokes that her mom loves me more than my own mother.
I don’t have any good solution, but it feels like it would be better not to wish for harm to befall people because it doesn’t impact you or any good people you know.
They are saying that the cops are saying cops can have a union but no one else
Wow are we really that high now? Last I knew we were like the eighth. Either way that’s still wild to me how high were are.
Condolences. When my cat passes I honestly don’t know what I’ll do. I’ve had him since I became chronically ill and he is always at my side to keep me company.
As a bystander I appreciate you. I learned some things I didn’t know.
A quote taken right from the article, “They can’t have both. Young women don’t want to be intimate with men who don’t fight for women’s rights; it’s showing they don’t respect us.”
The Bs are celibacy, no marriage, no children, no dating. None of that is incel behavior.
I think they are more saying none of that with people who don’t respect our right to our own bodies
Ah okay. I had been pretty sure I replied to the right person, and it would have been through the notifications.
Any clients for Android you recommend? I think my only really wants is a nice UI and the ability to easily swap between accounts.
Wow that’s super neat, thank you!
Oh haha. I see, I also would like that. That would be sooo cool. Here is hoping we get something like that soon.