I heard the theme music as soon as I saw the picture
I heard the theme music as soon as I saw the picture
Every new post made things better and worse at the same time
Colonel Sandurz: Everything that happens now, is happening now.
Dark Helmet: What happened to then?
Colonel Sandurz: We passed then.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sandurz: Just now. We’re at now now.
Dark Helmet: Go back to then.
Colonel Sandurz: When?
Dark Helmet: Now.
Colonel Sandurz: Now?
Dark Helmet: Now.
Colonel Sandurz: I can’t.
Dark Helmet: Why?
Colonel Sandurz: We missed it.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sandurz: Just now.
Dark Helmet: When will then be now?
Colonel Sandurz: Soon.
Pleb here
You are correct
Except Mozilla isn’t “masturbating” over the meaning of simple words, legislators are. Yes this opens the door for more privacy dickery, but it also allows Mozilla to satisfy a broad array of legal definitions. There are so many things to get wound up about, why bring out the pitchforks for something that hasn’t happened?
Fully agree they should use clear technical and legal terms, and the reasoning behind the changes they’re making
(e: adjusted spelling after OP fixed a typo)
Either that or Nature Valley crunchy granola bars.
(Dwarf bread is probably based on hard tack, a puck of dense biscuit eaten by sailors in the far off days of long ahead. A bread so dense it would make US Southerners weep, and explains the lack of teeth on sailing ships far better than scurvy)
Amazing, and thank you for summoning me
It is highly likely this was the inspiration for the Scone of Stone, but I’m not aware of Sir Terry talking about it. The wiki editors certainly see a connection tho, and I think it’s a fair assumption to make that this is the thing and the whole of the thing
So i know (hope) this is satire. I’m also aware that people latch on to dumb things and propagate them, like Flat Earth and the like. So I’ll clarify that with a 2% morality rate there were literally dead bodies stacking up in the streets in NYC.
The only reason the right wing propaganda machine was successful in misinforming rural areas was because the administrations efforts to reduce/slow the spread of COVID, haphazard as it was, turned out to be successful in preventing mass deaths like that seen in NYC. And it was a close thing.
The thing is people are so goddamned gullible, so credulous of their media of choice, that a 30% mortality rate would only fuel more dumbshittery
Or where they currently live.
Or, the case of NYC Puerto Ricans, both (New Yorican lol)
Sometimes those little round keys for special cylinder locks and po boxes were the hardest to figure out.
Yup! I keep my Ilco bible with me for just that reason. Also, three keys at once? Damn son.
I never had brass splinters in my feet, but I’ve had plenty in my hands
Looks like one of those assa a-xx high security commercial keys
I thought the same
It would be easier to steal keys off of someone’s desk or just pick the lock over stalking someone online, verifying you know their location irl, decoding a key from a picture, and then using that key at their work(?). Possible, but highly improbable. Like, if a YT streamer showed their house key and their address was public enough, yeah, that’s a risk. Some rando on Lemmy? Not so much
Sorry sorry, professional interest here. I have to correct you, because I noticed you’re wrong in my field of expertise
Broken key looks like an Assa or possibly a Medico, but I’m not familiar enough with the milling to say for sure. The blade is stamped so thin that I’d have to say it’s probably Assa. The small desk lock key is, I’m 95% sure, a y13 Yale key.
Y11 is a more common small keyway, similar Master’s m1 padlock key, but the milling at the bow of the pictured key isn’t y11. Y1 is the classic Yale house key, comparable in size to Schlage’s SC1. These are, of course, all Ilco key numbers with original manufacturer brand names.
e: bloody markdown
I still have the lava lamp my first girlfriend gave me. It’s strange, there’s so many things from that time in my life that remind me of her. Even certain locations take me back, when I’m visiting my old stomping grounds. But not that lava lamp. It’s just a light
Booo! I bet you think “Rev up like a deuce” is better than “Roll up like a douche” as well, you insufferable pedant ^/s
Oh, sorry, i thought we were shitposting on a meme. Ok, serious lore stuff.
The Valar (gods) would not be affected by the Ring. Yes. However, the undying lands are also inhabited by Maiar (wizards, balrogs, etc.) and Eldar (elves) who could most definitely be corrupted by the Ring. After the attack by Ungoliant and Morgoth on the Two Trees of Light the Valar were very picky about who could enter Valinor. Hell, they sundered the seas just to further control access to their shores.
So I think it’s pretty safe to say the Ring would not be permitted access to the West, directly prevented by the Valar themselves. They would never permit the taint of corruption in their own halls
Heh heh, taint
Absolutely. The Valar would love to have the One Ring on their shores. They are huge fans of anyone aligned with Morgoth. Having the One Ring, with all of the power Sauron bestowed on it, it’s corrupting influence working it’s way into the minds of the Eldar, would be the best thing since Ungoliant drank the sap of Laurelin and Telperion. The Valar would be like “Hell yeah, brother!” and totally would not prevent the Ring from reaching the shores of Valinor
Somebody has been playing too much We Happy Few