Don’t let me harsh your vibe here, but are you sure about the moon thing? https://www.iflscience.com/the-internet-appears-to-believe-elephants-worship-the-moon-58666
I’m down with chihuahua-sized elephants, though, don’t get me wrong here.
Don’t let me harsh your vibe here, but are you sure about the moon thing? https://www.iflscience.com/the-internet-appears-to-believe-elephants-worship-the-moon-58666
I’m down with chihuahua-sized elephants, though, don’t get me wrong here.
Pretty sure it’s the GILF of America now.
Sorry, I don’t make the rules, I’m as horrified as you are.
Get the official dock - it just works. Don’t bother with the aftermarket docks. I started with a JSAUX one and it was flaky. Since upgrading to the Valve one everything has been perfect.
The Dbrand Killswitch case is great if you’re taking your deck places and need to minimise packing volume. Adds weight, but it’s rock solid.
Vampire Survivors is the perfect deck game.
Tildes as in https://tilde.club/ or something else?
Treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen.
Listen son, ‘n’ listen’ close. If it flies, floats, or computes, rent it.
AMD Z2 Half Life 3 Game & Watch confirmed!!!111!!!
I am suffering for a surfeit of brains and would be interested to learn more on this subject. Do you have any references that I could examine, perchance?
You should always use cyber-protection.
But it’s true! This is how GOD made the Earth! And if we burn enough fossil fuels we can get back to that garden of Eden, just as HE wants!!
“Oh Bernard, you mustn’t confuse the minister with such matters! Speed is distance over time, and the civil service has long wanted to redefine time…”
If America wants to compete with China, it must fund its engines of commerce.
High speed rail must link every major city. How can businesses make deals without cheap public transport to connect people?
Startups need to focus on innovation. Healthcare plans are a distraction. Full single-payer healthcare is essential if American businesses are to stay innovative.
Were I a VC intellectual I would demand these heretical ideas and more. Somehow I doubt they’d go down well - they’re the wrong sort of heracy.
She doesn’t RUN?
No, she DOESN’T run.
(For anyone not getting this one, the whole thing is full of Bioshock Infinite references. Not the cats page. The one by “Dr” Booker DeWitt.)
The things to look up are Beta Israel (a lost tribe who were discovered in Ethiopia) and Operation Solomon (how they wound up in Israel). From there, you might find some answers from Israeli sources or elsewhere. I’ve similarly heard this assertion/rumour that the women of Beta Israel were sterilised after their incredible discovery and rescue, but haven’t seen authoritative sources for either side. Still, this should be an interesting rabbit hole to go down.
I just feel sorry for him at this point. Not as much as I feel sorry for America, but I do feel sorry for him. When he dies, he will die not having known the best things in life. No true love, no actual friends, no peace. Money has not bought him happiness. Maybe he was born into a prison of his family’s making, but all he’s done is build up the walls and seal the doors. He’s a tragic, pitiful character rather than a beacon of strength or success.
Erm, make sure you put him in an actual prison too, though. Good luck, Yanks, your tea-drinking cousins still want the best for you despite everything 🇬🇧
We worked so hard to build a little house together 🎶
Install the Aurora Watch app and set it to notify you when the odds are high. That’s how I saw it last night!
I like to think that he forgets, keeps trying and then makes a new post about it
And next you’ll say that genetically-modified ears aren’t enough to make catgirls real either 😩
Can we let this one go? Not for science, not for accuracy, but for the prospect of having catgirls in our lifetimes, at least?