The test I have is if my players would call BS on an NPC doing that to them.
Drowning a PC a turn using a cantrip? That’s BS and every player knows it.
The test I have is if my players would call BS on an NPC doing that to them.
Drowning a PC a turn using a cantrip? That’s BS and every player knows it.
When people try to drown someone with create water they aren’t talking about creating water then drowning the person the old fashioned way, it’s “I cast create water in the lungs of that guy!”
Other popular “ideas” include - -Casting light on someone’s eyes so they go blind -Trying to target eardrums with shatter -Conflating charm person with dominate person -Attacking with mage hand -prestidigitation solves every problem and has no limits
It’s not that there is an arbitrary “number too low” problem, it’s that these spells explicitly state what they can do. Players sometimes feel “creativity” means they perform actions the spell doesn’t allow, and moreover are actually achieved by much more powerful spells.
That was aggressively awful.
Comic books
I love that episode.
And the moral of “I can get stuff just by asking for it!” Is a real lesson.
I blame Hugo Boss.
I agree with their politics, I just feel that plot took a hit to allow them to soapbox more. Aliens lost what made them alien and became humans with make up.
My issue isn’t the message, to me it felt like the lecturing of DISCO with fart jokes.
I was really disappointed with the most recent series of Orville. I feel they moved from social commentary to being preachy and smug.
The biggest example of this is the time travel episode in season 3. You have someone who has established a life and has kids and real character growth, who wants to be able to live the life they established after being abandoned for 20 years. On the other hand you have Seth McFarland saying that it’s bad. There isn’t any real discussion of what right is, it’s just McFarland saying that he’s right and then circumventing any resistance. It ends with McFarland being smug he did the right thing and having no self reflection on the damage he did.
To be clear, I’m all about social commentary in my sci-fi but I feel like anything interesting is diluted to make it a closer parallel to earth. The Moclans went from a unique all male species, to having a rare minority that allowed for discussion of trans rights, to in season 3 being 50-50 split and a tired gender war trope.
I think the Orville has gotten lazy and moved further and further away from having interesting plots to talk about big ideas and moved more towards character driven drama and lazy hamfisted commentary.
She was meant to be a foil against Data, but came off as hating him.
I think it’s because Brent Spiner was so damn charismatic as Data.
Like SNW or DISCO?
There is value in trying things outside your comfort zone. It’s the only way to grow, or find new things you like.
“the soulless agents of orthodoxy!”
Taking suggestions for new media isn’t a sign of youth. Imagine having a friend recommend a book and saying “I’m no callow youth! I’ll select my own media thank you!”
I’m not young and I still will play a game because it’s suggested to me. If everyone tells me a particular game/movie/book/restaurant is amazing, I’m going to try it.
Taking the advice of others and trying new things isn’t a sign of inexperience.
I think it’s both an issue if hardware support and being the little guy.
If Linux wants to be bigger it needs to change it’s selling point. People have been conditioned to think of free software as bloated ad-fests by their phones. My wife was asking how I liked Linux and I could only describe apps as the early Android app store where everything was free and generally great.
Calling out Windows for privacy issues doesn’t have too much sway. Mostly because the damage is done, people have posted on Facebook and agreed to every tracker, what’s one more? Calling out Windows for being slower, showing you ads all the time and taking away features might have more traction.
I just swapped to Linux, and it’s harder to use than windows, sort of.
I still can’t get one headphone jack to work on my case and my wifi printer/scanner can’t be controlled on the printer anymore. Troubleshooting has two modes, a step by step instructions set that either works or doesn’t, or highly technical stuff that is above my expertise.
Not exactly, they look like earth octopus but are backwards and ungrateful. They have built no statues to bajoran fishermen.
I don’t care what rights they want to curtail, if they say they’ll lower my taxes by a nickel I’ll vote for them!
Brave is chromium.
There are more. So many more. I just got tired of copying and pasting.