What a well adjusted individual, definitely not an agent provocateur.
What a well adjusted individual, definitely not an agent provocateur.
Finally, a compromise with the fascists I can get behind.
Dude, I know a chud just like you in real life, also chronically unfuckable (Muh aD hOMiNeM!). Y’all should start a podcast or something about how reagonomics was actually the savior of liberal democracy.
There’s already mods doing it now that are absolutely doing it better than Bethesda will.
Lotta people get confused by Orwell hating the Soviets. By “lotta people” I do basically just mean tankies.
Isn’t that vaguely what the villain of ready player one does?
“Politicians shouldn’t be X”
“BuT WHaT aBOuT tHIs pOLiTiCIaN?”
“yeah, them too”
Literally every fucking time lmao
The funny thing is, that probably makes them an even better imitator of the average twitter user(and person, if we’re honest).
Yarrr harrr fiddily de dee
One of the few things I go back to the old site for is /r/eatcheapandhealthy - you need the time to make the food, but you can make very little cash go a long way, especially if you’re buying beans/lentils/oats dried and soaking them overnight rather than buying canned.
China states that eating food reduces symptoms of starvation
My gut reaction would be “actions still have consequences motherfucker”, but my gut would also be to immediately remove this person from ever interacting with me again.
Sometimes, the results of something you do don’t quite match your intentions. Mistakes happen, miscommunications happen. A genuine person would respond “oh fuck, that is NOT how I meant that”, and apologize. A gaslighter does the above.
That’s an awful lot of words to say it’s a backdoor that could, plausibly, have been installed unintentionally, but is still very much a backdoor.
It will never not be fucking hilarious to me that one of the most holier-than-thou textbook american white moderate liberal people I know works at xitter.
Why limit oneself to only hating one political group? The nazis and the collaborators are both problems.
Are we trying to say Trump’s the Hindenberg of our time now? Pretty sure he still counts as a nazi too.
(homeopathy) n. a complementary therapy based on the theory that ‘like cures like’. It involves treating a condition with a tiny dose of a substance that in larger doses would normally cause or aggravate that condition.
No, I think they mean actual medicine my guy, based on science. If it’s “homeopathic” and it works, we just call it medicine.
Being a prick isn’t making anyone eat less meat. Ensuring others have easy access and knowledge of lower meat diet options does. Sounds to me like the clown is doing a better job of helping animals than you are 🤷🏻♂️.
Using the rig from five years ago that has to play all those games on “high” instead of “ultra”, the humanity!