Annotations Restored For Youtube is also a really good one, adds back the old styled annotations to old videos that had them, makes old videos a little bit more watchable if they had important info in the annotations
Annotations Restored For Youtube is also a really good one, adds back the old styled annotations to old videos that had them, makes old videos a little bit more watchable if they had important info in the annotations
my current phone rn has 65% out of 100% battery life, so even if it doesn’t need the battery replacement, it would still be nice to have a new battery for the extra capacity, only thing stopping me is its way to much work to actually replace said battery without taking it to a shop, so i would greatly benefit from it.
My wifi router needs a app to change any settings on it, its so stupid too, if you try the normal method of changing settings via a web browser it just gives you a flat out “no download our app” and the app is functionally worse with less features than what the old wifi router settings page used to give, its so unnecessary and annoying how everything that used to work fine with a website is needlessly packaged into a (often inferior) app.
while yes i do agree that i want my device to look nice, its more of a secondary to me,
I also feel like there’s ways companies could make new designs that incorporate a removable battery that dont look ugly or old, hell even if the design is not as easy to take the back door off as some of the older phones thats fine, as long as i dont have to disassemble the entire phone just to swap the battery im happy.
I have seen countless videos on tiktok of people being against this move, and my question is why? why wouldn’t anyone want to be able to extend the life of their expensive devices, why wouldn’t people want easily repairable batteries that take less than 5 minutes to swap out?
the only argument ive seen against this is “OOH BUT BUT BUT THE AESTHETICS OF THE PHONE” who cares? function should always be over looks. and if anything it will end the trend of phones being glassy slabs and bring some innovation and new designs to the table. which will be interesting to see.
my steam deck has this annoying retina burning white led that turns on while its charging, shit lights up my entire room, and i have a huge room, thankfully it can be turned off in its bios
my monitor also has this feature to turn it off… i hope more companies put in a feature to turn it off
thanks for letting me know that exists so i can block it before i see anything from there
B, good middle ground of clean design yet still has personality