I’m dripping wet
I’m dripping wet
Box64 my beloved (performance my downfall😔)
Like arm compatible? Imma have to look into this more dayum
X11vnc works like a dream on X11, couldnt agree more.
There is wayvnc for Wayland supposedly to solve the same problem, but I havent tried it myself yet
It is a bit of a walking simulator though
‘More equal then the rest’ eh?
Good luck with that, truly an american attitude
You acting like beggars can be choosers lmao, the vr scape is desolate post Zuck
As someone with a chemistry background I’m surprised you think the industry even takes half these precautions for our current drugs.
Not even talking about ‘state of the art’ meds here were talking the plastics from cars that’ve been around since the 60’s is under studied (but hey its sponsored by oil money so its ‘safer’)
Youre not wrong, I’m in a lot of trans circles and their type of thinking tends to be detrimental to trans men, or at least extremely isolating.
But hey anyone that tries to enforce a gender divide is gonna have to encourage division somehow
Arguing the rich deserve more money is crazy man
Ah yes the easy dev environment of the 1990s, too bad none of our game dev tooling, experts on the subject, cross platform porting difficulty, and physical delivery costs have all stayed EXACTLY the same.
Man I’m trying to but its 35° and my city is drowning in CO
Heavily depends on what you use, on a Linux server as a NAS I’m able to get away with 2gb, an orange pi zero 3 1gb but it essentially only ever ones one app at a time.
Im sure a hardcore rgb gamer could need 32gb pretty quick by leaving open twitch streams, discord, a couple games in the background, a couple chrome tabs open all on windows 11
Driving is about butt-chuggig 50 years of american propaganda to the point you can’t even differentiate you own opinion from a Facebook minions meme.
But yeah have fun filling yours and the rest of our bloodstreams with micro plastics cause vroom is more important
Disney murder case type of legal bullshit vibes here
Weird someone has a similar setup to mine, its almost exactly the same (one nvidia one amd? Cause that’d be scary).
Feel like its overkill for most folks though lmao
I’d say nix is hardly niche at this point (although I’m biased cause I use it a ton)
There’s even a termux fork these days that runs nix on droid
“The 22st century is now”
Yeah so where are our local PCB manufacturing facilities? They’re easy enough to create I’m halfway to making my own in my garage, surely great capitalism would have no issue emulating this
And this is just one example of a million technological capabilities that were still stuck in the 60’s for cause it was cheap
It sounds like bs but its cause that’s been solved since around Roman times, heres a pretty interesting website on the technique
You gotta be taking commissions for artwork this beautiful