Splatoon is pretty fun
Turn around
Splatoon is pretty fun
“You’re a boy!”
To be fair, I ran gentoo with openrc for 3 years and it was mostly fine. Init systems don’t matter that much.
What would be funny is to have the musl void run on OP’s beast.
He gog on magog until I tribulate
Hey, can I ask what client this is?
Ah yes of course, because a non polluted environment is a privilege only the rich should have access to
Such fish slander shall not be tolerated. I request a public apology immediately!
No shit, the COP28 is going badly.
Its organised in Saudi Arabia, and the president is a head of a national oil company.
Talk about having a recipe for the disaster.
Today I learned that God gave bald people the power to summon bears
I just finished battling nemona and the goddamn stealth rock ate through half of my pokemon
You could introduce her to pocket or some other “read later” app/service.
Or just teach her obsidian.
Gabriel ultrakill
You can actually use ISOs from most other distros to install it. I think the wiki even mentions it
Very true, what OP said barely matters nowadays but the features you listed definitely give Gentoo an edge over most other distros.
Also, we gotta shout out the sheer stability of gentoo and honestly having to compile system packages isnt that bad if you use flatpak.
The only thing you really need for a good gaming distro is to be relatively up-to-date.
If you want the optimisations garuda provides you can just install them yourself on whatever distro, though they will probably be rather negligible.
No this is a statement
You could cut yourself if you’re not carefull, but if you do it the right way you don’t risk that much.
The proper way to grab the blade of your sword, be it for half-swording as shown in the meme or to go for a mordslag, would be to put the bottom of your palm on the flat of the blade, and then wrap your fingers around the edge without touching, and holding the other side of the blade with just your fingertips. This way there is actually a space between the edge, and your hand.
You could even test this method with a kitchen knife if you want to. You’ll be surprised by how actually stable this grip is.
Additionaly, even in case of “naked” combat, people often uses leather gloves which do in fact provide a fair bit of protection against accidental cuts.