Are you sure because too many times I’ve been on a 2hr flight and there’s a line for the lav the entire time. It’s a mystery I will never understand.
Are you sure because too many times I’ve been on a 2hr flight and there’s a line for the lav the entire time. It’s a mystery I will never understand.
A baby’s shitty diaper pales in comparison to the recently deceased evacuation of bowels of an adult human.
I used to work with a lady who, upon missing her shift, the next day the managers were all going around quietly telling staff that she died on her way to work, that she’d had a massive stroke while driving. New fear unlocked that day. But yeah I guess you don’t hear about it on the news because the may just assume car accident is what causes the fatalities.
Hands down my favorite part of interacting with multilingual/multicultural people.
My boss is Romanian, I’m american, we live in Norway, and speak English with one another at work (Norwegian to customers).
She uses the phrase “running around like a headless chicken” often and I’ll never tell her that I heard the longer “running around like a chicken with their head cut off” version of this, especially in the south, as a kid. I like hers more.
I thought those things were true until like 2 months ago. I’m sad to have been proven wrong by millions.
I totally agree, it’s alarming to see the projections of population growth. It seems unsustainable and I fear the consequences will be catastrophic. I think about this every time I see a news piece about declining birth rates or countries incentivising procreation.
The insulation alone with them and Hello Fresh had me hang them up for good after a couple tries. It was nice to try recipes I wouldn’t think to search online for but yeah, that packaging situation was god-awful.
Up until the last week or so, I always used to say that even if I’m having a hard time, I am not ready to die. I want to see what happens next.
I no longer want to see what happens next, I see no good outcomes at all for the future of the world, not just the US.
The next time around. Sure, Jan. it’s over.
A dad point of view, while precious in delivery, doesn’t really translate very well in this scenario if you’re anything but a cis white male. The cis white men will be fine like they have been fine for thousands of years.
Same. All it made me think of was that show The Leftovers (I think??) where you just see clumps of people staring at other characters while dressed all in white and chain-smoking.
That grief comes in waves.
Bruv I think I might. My soul doesn’t have a shitty back, I’d understand.
For my husband and I to experience even just one day without back pain. It’s debilitating.
How did you come to this realisation that we all reincarnate?
I work in a bakery. I used to be a nurse. But my husband is in tech otherwise I wouldn’t know about Lemmy more than likely.
I feel extremely safe here. It is walkable and transit is excellent.
Well I can’t recall the statistical percentage often cited but I’m sure it wasn’t 100% so it’s ok for it not to have been true for you. Sorry about your far from home accident.
The large percent of traffic accidents that take place within 5 miles of home. Most people only cover a fairly small radius on a day to day basis so it makes sense if there is an accident, it’s close to home and not 80 miles away… just on average of how far how often you drive. Makes it seem like neighbourhoods are more dangerous than highways or something.
World’s (or at least, That Plane’s) Worst Dad
Thanks for nothing, Peter.