Video game character names be like
Video game character names be like
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to recall God giving lots of authority to kill other people—even babies. It’s just you’re not supposed to kill your fellow Jews.
Should have followed the French example instead.
‘Step on me harder daddy!’
Across Dimming Asterisms. My brain seems to have developed an addiction to it.
Although anyone who works in an ER will tell you the full moon is the busiest night; the occurrence rate of every issue but murder goes up.
Your mistake was in assuming they didn’t want the end of democracy to happen.
I mean, I get that it’s a metaphor.
The answer to the MAGA thing is simply that you build, not for them, but in spite of them. You build for everyone. If you want to exclude people who aren’t willing to follow the rules of society and only cause trouble you can, but that’s different than refusing to build anything because they might use it.
The people like MAGA that only seek to tear down what others build, or who refuse to build at all because there’s a chance someone who they don’t approve of (ie PoC) will use it hurt not only themselves, but everyone around them. They are destroying the future by refusing to help build the present, and I think it’s really sad that they would rather a terrible future than one that has things they don’t like in it.
We must build despite those attitudes, or we will simply end up following them into a bad future.
They meant the question showed a viewpoint that seemed to center entirely around you (also a rather libertarian thing, honestly).
‘Someone who would never build something for you’ sounds a bit like you’re expecting a tit-for-tat, I-do-this-for-you-so-you-have-to-do-something-for-me in everything, and that’s just not how societies work.
I’m curious; are you using that phrase to refer to, say, rich assholes who just take and take, or Nazi assholes that would rather cut off their own hands than build something a black person might use? Or are you using it to refer to people like severely disabled folks, or say, low-functioning autistic people, who society supports but who don’t have much capacity to ‘return the favor’?
Or are you just referring to future generations, who will be around after you’re gone?
I think it’s just your question comes off as nihilistic and a little bit libertarian, and neither of those is mentally healthy really
The media is still shielding him, that’s why this hasn’t happened yet.
Japanese don’t. Unless it’s one of them in blackface.
Seriously, the racism there is painful.
Dude, Japan is so safe the cops are largely overglorified tourist and traffic guides. The kids run around alone all the time.
They do though. They rip it all up and sell it off when they’re doing construction.
Source: used to work in commercial landscaping. Which on new jobsites involves bringing in new soil to replace the soil that’s gone.
That being said, there are places in the US where there isn’t much topsoil to begin with, it’s true.
Trump’s gone on record as saying he wants to sell off the national parks.
That too! But there have been a lot of studies done and there’s a very strong correlation between lead in gasoline and the loss in critical thinking and the increase in aggression of affected groups, especially as they age.
More likely lead in the gasoline
They have a bad habit of confusing appearances for substance.
Musk and Trump appear strong (thanks to a combo of almost all conservatives understanding nothing about how government works and the media hyping up the Terrible Twosome), therefore they are strong.
“They were a little hesitant about showing me the warrant, per se, but what I saw they didn’t have a seal on it or anything,” he told the LA Times. “What is did clearly say was ‘illegal alien.’”
Once he saw those words, he realized it was likely an immigration issue.
“It happened so fast,” he said. “I was taken aback, really.”
At the same time, an individual with a loudspeaker — unaffiliated with the federal agents — shouted that Espinoza did not have to open the door to them without a warrant signed by a judge.
“Do not talk to them if they do not have a warrant,” the individual said.
Other people who had been following the federal agents with megaphones called them “kidnappers” and “terrorists” and began chanting the words “say it once, say it twice, we will not put up with ICE.”
Hell yeah! Run those brownshirts out of town, LA!
Yellow by Coldplay
Don’t know why, but I hate it with a passion.