That’s also asshole design. Most people are behind some form of nat. It’s especially egregious for customers of ISPs who use CGNAT.
That’s also asshole design. Most people are behind some form of nat. It’s especially egregious for customers of ISPs who use CGNAT.
Disappointing but expected.
There’s no cut off. Some people are just judgy (and often hypocritical).
I’m the same age as you and I’ve been gaming my whole life. My father had all the Ataris, (2600, 400, 800, XT, etc…). He and I built my first 386 together. My uncles had the Intellivision. Cousins with the ColecoVision. My father’s almost 70 and he’s still an avid Destiny 2 player.
I will admit tho, it’s harder to find women, our age, who are either into or at least open to gaming as an adult hobby. I’m not saying they don’t exist but having been divorced and remarried I can say there’s a gender gap there. I was lucky enough to find someone open minded. She never complained about my weekly game nights to keep in touch with my friends and she’s even opened up over the last few years and has become a bit of a gamer herself.
So… there is no cut off. It’s not immature or childish, and it’s certainly more of an art form than 3/4 of the garbage those same people will spend their free time on (reality tv, tiktock, endlessly scrolling the void of facebook).
I’d kill for a game with the scope of Skyrim where the NPCs truly felt like they were living their own lives.
If everyone uses cloudflare and cloudflare goes down…
Ooh. I used to follow this sub. Thanks.
Yeah the sad part is that, really, the best we can hope for is a post mortem. Rescue is almost impossible in this situation.
I mean yes but, you don’t have to use it.
The fact that everyone treats Golem-Picard as True-Picard felt to me like confirmation that, in the ST universe, what makes you you is your mind. Memories, thought patterns, etc… I know it was tv-show hand wavery but the fact that no one mourned the death of their friend, or really ever once questioned the validity of the golem taking his place bothered me a little.
Maybe then we just need to mirror that activity here.
Maybe start by alerting those admins of the potential problem and give them a chance to respond.
It’s also possible, being that it’s a new instance, it’s just being used to subscribe to communities outside of that instance.
I have a home hub (got it on sale a while back) and I agree that it feels like it should be a small detachable tablet. This looks like the natural next evolution.
I’ve had a few android tablets. They’ve all been lackluster and unimpressive. This one, at least seems like it would serve a general purpose (home hub) with the added benefit of being able to detach it and use it as a tablet when needed.
Sure, and I 100% understand that. But, we’re talking about what if it could be real.
Could be head canon but I’m pretty sure the air is dematerialized when the people are rematerialized. Not sure how they keep more air from rushing in.
Seriously, once the shields are down why aren’t they just dematerializing parts of the enemy ship?
I wonder if there’s a technical manual out there that tries to explain it. It seems like energy manipulation is something startrek tech excells at.
In practice, I agree with you. The transporter scans, disintegrates, and reconstructs the thing being transported. But when the thing being transported is reconstructed at a subatomic level it is effectively identical.
I can imagine the society we see in startrek having already worked through the moral and philosophical implications. I would have loved to see that addressed in an episode tho.
Agreed. Many on this list, to me, seem too busy or an outright eyesore (btop). But bat does appear truly useful. I’ll be giving that one a try.
I want to second using the website as a pwa. It works quite well.