Yeah, it has not yet been released as of this moment… Soon!
Yeah, it has not yet been released as of this moment… Soon!
The FreeCAD GitHub page also confirms that, again as of now, 1.0 release is not yet out.
Curious. It is imminent, yes, but as of right this moment the download page for me still shows 0.21.2 and release notes go to and the blog is not updated.
Perhaps it’s an edge cache update that hasn’t happened yet?
Regardless, it’s happening very soon and this is a great thing!
1.0 has not been released yet. Maybe it’ll happen this week, but as of this moment, RC4 is available but the actual release does not yet exist. Don’t know why people keep posting and up voting incorrect and easily verifiable information.
Having said that, the release candidates have been great and this will be a great milestone for FreeCAD.
Arch is not harder to maintain nor is it easier to break, that’s a myth. If anything, it’s the opposite, as a rolling release stays up to date, though it relies on the user keeping it up to date. If you get lazy with updates, then yes, you are going to have problems eventually.
Darn it, we’ll never know if the cat gets reunited! It was a fun and unique, if too short, game.
This is normal behavior. There is much more to the JVMs memory usage beyond what’s allocated to the heap - there are other memory regions as well. There are additional tuning options for them, but it’s a complicated subject and if you aren’t actually encountering out of memory issues you have to ask if this is worth the effort to tune it.
Still waiting for 0.2.0 to hit the main fdroid repo, hopefully it’s soon…
Working around the topo naming problem isn’t that big of a deal, for the most part, once you get the hang of it - often it’s just a matter of reattaching sketches to the correct face, for example, and using parametric tables helps a lot as well.
To put it another way - I wouldn’t avoid FreeCAD/Ondsel just because of this. And if it really, really is an issue, try a 0.22 dev build of FreeCAD for the interim.
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Don’t know why you are being voted down, you are 100% correct. RTLAAU.
Nope, it doesn’t work that way. You have to umount it. You could reboot after removing it from fstab, but that’s a bigger hammer than necessary.
You need to move the service file to the right directory, for starters.
Nope, they should not be executable.
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I use syncthing all over the place for this sort of thing. I have some sync directories that are multi way synced across multiple devices, others that are one-way drop targets to a specific device, others that are for operations like backing up photos. It’s quite excellent with a good sync algorithm that rarely results in conflicts.
Another suggestion for Darktable. It handles this case of mixed types transparently. It’s a big thing to learn, but extremely powerful and capable, and you don’t have to know all the corners of it, just enough for your workflow.
Address already in use
is the key - something else has already bound to that address:port combination. Next step is to find out what process is listening on it. Try ss, netstat, lsof to name a few hints.
After watching the Gamer Nexus video of what’s practically a warranty scam by Asus, I’d never buy one and may never buy Asus again if that’s the way they treat customers. I have a few of their ROG components in my system and from what I see they are not as great as they were 30 years ago.
I use it everywhere, raidz2 on HDDs for a NAS also with mirrored NVMe root pool, and on a couple of laptops. zfsbootmenu is awesome, so I can boot into any snapshot, and a pacman hook that creates a snapshot whenever I upgrade packages. Even if it’s overkill for some of my use, I use it anyway and trust it much more than anything else - it has a proven track record. Backups to are a breeze with borg/borgmatic.