I think a three state solution would be a more stable one in the long run, one Israeli one Palestine and one buffer state in between which is like Bosnia which means that it have two governments a Israeli and a Palestinian.
I think a three state solution would be a more stable one in the long run, one Israeli one Palestine and one buffer state in between which is like Bosnia which means that it have two governments a Israeli and a Palestinian.
Werde die Deutschen endlich akzeptieren das es Krapfen heißt?
Thank you this is exactly what I meant. But for some reasons people didn’t seem to get that and called me a chatgpt bot.
Shouldn’t be the question why students used chatgpt in the first place?
chatgpt is just a tool it isn’t cheating.
So maybe the author should ask himself what can be done to improve his course that students are most likely to use other tools.
Unpopular Opinion: Cyberpunk is gameplay wise just a reskin of Far Cry
Ja genau war während des GWDs befohlen worden VBA zu lernen um die ganzen Excel und Access Anwendungen zu erweitern, wo hast du VBA geschrieben?
I was forced to do it during my conscription service to implement an excel merge in VBA because that was the programming installed on the system. Fuck VBA and the integraded VBA Editor in Excel
Bin immer noch der Meinung das Schwarze Blau 3 kommt weil die ÖVP nach rechts weg kippt