Good. Now the leftists can get a taste of what conservatives have experienced for years.
Do you sleep in the same bed then?
Yeah, don’t ever connect your phone to your car. It has been proven that they steal all your data.
Nothing elitist by any means. I’d love for everybody to come enjoy the Fediverse - it’s a cool place. But to be realistic, we all know that most people are too stupid to ever realize how much Big Tech platforms suck
Good. I don’t want to see some teenagers doing some dumb dance or whatever is on normie platforms.
Agreed. And when you think about, everything is unproductive, really. You are here for a short period of time, and nothing is productive in the grand scheme of things. How does the universe benefit from what Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates have achieved? Absolutely not at all. The Earth is a speck of dust in the grand scheme of the Universe. Just live life and do whatever you want. Enjoy this weird existence that we somehow all were blessed (and cursed) with. Nobody knows why or how we are even here, so just enjoy it as much as you can, while you can.
I used to feel the same way sometimes, but then I thought about it for a while, and reflected on my own life as well. I see all these people around me that are busy pursuing fancy degrees and high-paying jobs. But at what coast? I thought to myself that following societal norms/expectations does not seem fulfilling or interesting to me at all. Why would I want to do things I don’t enjoy, just because it’s what everybody else is doing? No. I decided not to worry about it, and just do whatever I feel like doing, regardless of what other people think about it. If you enjoy laying in bed all day, reading Lemmy content, and nothing else, then fine. Do it. You are not wasting your life because you don’t do what everybody else is doing. You are wasting your life if you don’t do what you want to do, that’s it.
Was the name by chance inspired by Stranger Things? Haha
No thanks. The Fediverse needs to remain anonymous, or at least users need to have the option not to provide any personal information.
Migrate her over to a Federated alternative. No aggressive algorithms here
Because then there would need to be a centralized entity to host all user accounts, and we don’t want centralization 'round here
Just wait a bit longer…
So what is the most de-googled one?
I am not talking about the posts. Of course those are public, as they should. There’s a big difference between data I willingly put out vs. metadata and the likes.
There’s a huge difference between what I choose to put out in public vs. data that’s being collected on me just by browsing the site. Saying “it’s just the world we live in” is just an excuse to ignore the real issues. It is more crucial now than ever that we create a system that’s by and for the people, not Big Tech and governments.
I don’t see why this would hurt us. But even if it did, I would rather take the blow than associate with Big Tech again.
Anonymity is not the reason why many platforms have turned into “dumpster fires”. Have you checked Facebook lately? People literally use their real names while lighting the whole dumpster on fire. No, privacy is more important now than ever. If I had to list all the ways our data is being used against us nowadays, I would exceed the character allowance on here. The short version is that historically, time periods were named after the materials civilization made their weapons out of (stone age, bronze age, etc.). That’s the reason why the current time period is called the Information Age. Data/information is the biggest weapon we have nowadays, and that’s why it’s critical that we protect it with all means possible if we want to retain our freedom.
Don’t get me wrong, I prefer if platforms don’t take a political stance at all. That’s the reason why I use platforms like Lemmy.
I am simply just pointing out that conservative ideologies have been oppressed online and in the media for the greater part of a decade. Funny to see how the left are losing their minds now that they get a little taste of it themselves.