2016 was the year that satire died
2016 was the year that satire died
When did the french become such insatiable bootlickers? As long as billion dollar corporations are still making billions then they should be told to kindly fuck off.
He knew lead was a very dangerous neurotoxin and he just didn’t care. Capitalists destroying the planet for profit is such a boring evil.
Is that why people randomly flash their lights at me? I just thought they were assholes.
Agreed, but if that were even possible then we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with and Trump would be in jail for his failed Jan 6th putsch.
Aye, we need a new system.
I hate Realpolitik, but she did that as part of a backroom deal with Pelosi.
AOC isn’t perfect, but she truly does fight for us because she fights to change the system itself. Of the 435 elected House reps, she is easily the least corrupted of the entire lot. Her and Bernie are the best we have.
Too true. Queue meme:
“Capitalism Horrors persist, but so do I”
I pray they do so peacefully, or if they refuse, that we can do what we must without losing our humanity.
The Soviets are a cautionary tale: they were forced to slay monsters and demons to gain their freedom, but somewhere in the process of slaying monsters they became monsterous themselves. That isn’t a critique of communism, but rather that war can turn men into demons.
Their lawyers, no joke, argues that “the public can see the lake. That’s access”. They even have a fucking stone plaque that says “private lake, stay on the sidewalk” at the adjacent park.
Hypothetically, if someone were writing a fictional story about a Luigi type of hero in that situation, what would be the quickest and fastest way to destroy that stone plaque?
I’m not wasting my mental energy to create more profit for the shareholders if I’m not directly incentivised to do so.
Especially when those very same capitalists use their wealth and power to attack democracy and public institutions! Every dollar of profit I make for a modern day (wage) slaver does harm to my soul.
Anarchism is never an answer, it’s usually willful ignorance about there being any problems.
AnCaps drive me nuts. They want to dismantle democratic institutions while simultaneously licking the boots of unelected institutions.
No, we cannot think like that. It is true that fascism cannot be beat peacefully, but we should never want them to suffer. We should always strive to crush their fascist oligarchy with as little suffering ss possible.
“Whoever would be a slayer of monsters must take heed, or they may become the very monsters they slay… For when one peers into the abyss, the abyss peers back into thee” -FN
LLMs can be great for translating pseudo code into real code or creating boiler plate or automating tedious stuff, but ChatGPT is terrible at actual software engineering.
Can’t forget how the rich get legal representation while the poors do not. There is no justice in this country until legal counsel is affordable and accessible to everyone.
She’s a lawyer, so you won’t see her advocating for a violent uprising
Ah, yes, because the Nazis were famously beaten by lawyers…
We know from history that fascism cannot be beaten peacefully. We cannot appease or argue our way out of this problem.
Luigi did something. We need more Luigis, but I fear we will get peasant-brain brown shirts instead
Exactly. Republicans don’t have a filibuster proof super majority in the Senate so Dems could filibuster the Senate to death to block Trump appointments from being voted on like Republicans did to Dems, but no, rich white liberals aren’t hurt by Trump’s fascism so they don’t care
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Masks are sort of like condoms. When someone tells you that you don’t need one or that you shouldn’t wear one then you absolutely do need one.