The entire ULTRAKILL soundtrack. great mix of metal and breakbeat.
Hard to pick one track so might as well begin at the start:
The entire ULTRAKILL soundtrack. great mix of metal and breakbeat.
Hard to pick one track so might as well begin at the start:
Bourgeois Italian mercenaries vs Peasant Welsh levies.
We’ll see you at Crecy, Genovese.
Counterpoint; let it expand until the UK is reachable by the PLA directly.
Hall of Farmer
The pressure is drying up venture capital funds, scaring the young away from lucrative professions such as investment banking.
What a terrible waste of young talent, glad we’d never do that in the West.
Now, what are we going to do to fix our declining production of military equipment and scientific innovation?
The flavour does vary a lot from brand to brand; I generally prefer the less sweet ones.
Mix Gochujang 50:50 with mayo and a squeeze of citrus;
Inquiring minds would like to know.
No worries.
I’m not old enough to consider getting my CAMRA card just yet, but I do enjoy a good ale. The capture of the beer market by monopoly players has produced a lot of shockingly bad beer.
Sorry you had to taste something.
Still a thing in Northern Italy, called Aperitivo.
The snacks vary from place to place, from olives and breadsticks up to pizza
If a person creates something, but there are no marketers around to monetise it, did an invention really take place?
Thesis: outdoor cats are bad
Antithesis: cats need outdoor space
Synthesis: build a catio
Only took them 5 fucking years to work out they couldn’t bend the knee to Starmer.
The Krynki Kursk bridgehead will blossom out any day now!
The Failson Industrial Complex sends its regards.
Petit bourgeoisie?
Little Burgers?
The labour right detest Miliband, he’s getting purged in the next couple of reshuffles.
The flag-shagging and lawfare will continue - they have nothing else and will only bequeath it to the fascists once they finally run out of steam.
Starmer is probably a creature of the security services, but they have no further vision than he does.
ISIS admitted to NATO, Zelensky told now is not the time