Aren’t these guys mercenaries? Do they have any real allegiance to this guy beyond money?
Aren’t these guys mercenaries? Do they have any real allegiance to this guy beyond money?
I think it’s fair to wonder why policy changes like those are being pushed so late into the presidents term. Seems like primaries and elections drive policy more than anything else.
I’m pretty new here, what is an “instance”? And why is it better to have the big communities on different ones rather than one main?
So, carpooling lanes and a bit of patience. Got it
This is always the thing that really gets me. How do these guys identify in any way with a rich, yuppie, NYC real estate sleaze ball? He feels like exactly the kind of guy these people hate, but here we are. A guy who never had to work a day in his life, has had multiple infidelities, I don’t even think the dude went to church?
Just had to play the right dog whistle and he tapped into something.
How strange, I wonder what was different about the third one as opposed to these two guys…
Having the sync app has made the transition so much easier. I don’t know if the same level of discussion will ever happen here, but I’m going to give it a try. I’m done going to the bot farm over there
I got an email from OnStar the other day saying it contacted my bank and updated my card info because I had gotten an old card and hadn’t updated the info, I don’t pay for OnStar but the dealership MAKES you set it up even if you don’t use it.
How the fuck are they allowed to contact my bank and get information like that? Weirded my TF out to say the least.