Why does being downvoted here even matter at all like who cares. Democrats have lost the plot and only care about identity politics. Policy don’t help the average everyday people.
You don’t understand history try to again.
Perfect for banana bread by the way
Maybe only ladies voted
If we don’t get a handle on the debt it will be like Greece 2.0
I wish friendica had a mobile app. I spend more time on my phone
According to the usa census it you are from the Middle East you have to put caucasian. My family on my dads side came from Syria
My wife makes chicken and steak. My experience good.
He would have to be sworn in
I blame the 5 mods who control the top 200 subs. I still think posting was better years ago. Could actually post comments.
Get ready for the influx of new users
Yes it is
Isn’t the running joke is they break that rule everytime.
Must have been new for California since Harris left
I think I might use both
I can expect this in New York. There are lack of bathrooms. People pee everywhere
Can this start at let’s say 5:30pm. I work until 4pm hour plus drive or 2 hour bus ride. Actually make it 7
My eyes enjoyed that.