Counter-cointer point, Stalin was a murderous peice of shit who should be condemned to eternity for his atrocities against humanity. Anyone that thinks otherwise for some inconceivable reason needs to step outside and snort some fuckin grass for being such a self-centered dumbass. Some of yall need to visit an active war zone or two, actually see with your own fucking eyes the violent destruction, visceral death, and utter despair that evil fucks like Stalin create.
Didn’t Stalin murder a couple of people in the name of communism, maybe not the best image to associate with
Cyberpunk is an excellent choice. Outer Worlds goes on sale pretty often think, same with Cyberpunk, maybe keep an eye out.
Isn’t 60fps completely standard for video games these days, even indie games? Come on, Obsidian, you’re better than this
Wasn’t that also Rockstar, lol
That would be mildly terrifying
I loved Outer Worlds. Bit slow and lacking in content at points, but it’s got loads of charm and some fun, interesting characters. Solid 7-8/10
I might jump back into Deathloop soon when I rediscover free time (aka. never gonna happen, lol). It lacks the Compulsively-Save-Every-Five-Steps button, but it’s actually part of the gameplay and makes sense.
Protest, cool, but accomplish what exactly? None of this means a damn thing if nobody has any clue what’s going on
Piss enough people off and it don’t matter the flavor of union
Unions have a long and violent history of not wanting to be fucked with, we’ll see how well this plays out for the orange Cunt
Really struggling with step one rn
They all steal data, it’s kinda the go-to business model for all large corporations
Holy fucking shit it’s depressing that this is literally the best news I’ve seen all morning
Maybe try not being a creepy little lizzard boi with a hard-on for privacy violation
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