I like to think the term casual sex stands in opposition to competitive sex that I assume Roman’s had somewhere sometime…
I like to think the term casual sex stands in opposition to competitive sex that I assume Roman’s had somewhere sometime…
As long as I can write vulgar dis peoms like Cattalus 16 I’m down…
Pēdīcābō ego vōs et irrumābō Aurēlī pathice et cinaede Fūrī…
Rome never fell, it went underground enrolled some gospel writers, and rules from the shadows of mount Olympus.
Strength and honor.
I just wanted to join in… back to the shadows I go!
Where does that leave me than?
Dude, read the bhagavad gita. It’s all about inner peace during violence. A soldier not wanting to fight his kin on a battlefield. When you recognize that sometimes the cost of peace is enslavement you can take extreme action without any attachment to the outcome and remain in peace in your heart. I used to abhorrent violence still do, but I will act without attaching and face rip any monkey that is hoarding and hurting my fellows. MFRA… monkey face rip association… even Buddha has stories stating no karma is incurred for some situations of violence. You might be stuck in good vs evil dichtomous thinking. There is no good and evil in nature just nature. We make the definitions and than we suffer them. Cast off your definitions and cultured personality and see the real that exist in many many sahdes.
Sometimes the cost of peace is enslavement. That’s why sacred text like the Gita spend so much time on this. Sometimes destruction is the wu wei, sometimes conflict is unavoidable.
Peace is best but there is no such thing I feel as a peice of peace; that is the great illusion… peace is interconnected. There is no world peace where one side losses.
Witnessing history
Sure op… sure…
Would you trust your baby alone in the woods with a random man or a Boeing exec?
Corporate America has gone from providing value to extracting it…
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