• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t trust anyone enough for something to actually be done. Buy guns, buy 3d Printers, learn to make clothing, prepate your homesteads, prepare for isolation and be ready to lean on and support your neighbors.

    Be the best you can be, make good relationships with those around you, and brace yourselves . It’s the only thing I can realistically think I alone can do for me, my family, and my community.

    Is it a doomer view? I don’t think so. I like to have hope that my vote can fix something. I like to think my protests are heard and considered. But at the end of the day I have to focus on doing what I actually can.

  • SPOOSER@lemmy.todaytoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide to Epicurean paradox
    7 months ago

    I think the fundamental issue with this is that it presumes that our understanding of morality is perfect. If an all-knowing, all-powerful God acted contrary to our understanding of morality, or allowed something to happen contrary to our understanding of morality it would make sense for us to perceive that as undermining our understanding of God, making him imperfect. An all-knowing, all-encomposing God may have an understanding that we as mortals are incapable of understanding or perceiving.

    It presumes to know a perfect morality while also arguing that morality can be subjective. It doesn’t make sense, just like an irrational belief in a God. I think the best way to go about this is to allow people to believe how they want and stop trying to convince people one way another about their beliefs. People get to believe differently and that is not wrong.

    Edit: holy shit those reddit comments are full of /r/iamverysmart material lmfao

  • Your rant post is ill-placed, because I’m trying to do that. I’ve already posted and commented multiple posts in communities I enjoy trying to garner attention and content. But i’m also a busy person who’s trying to live with a family, children, and a budding carreer. I understand I need to be a part of the community and I am doing more now than I ever have on Reddit.

    EDIT: I also wanted to add that this post is not about me complaining about a lack of content, it was a misunderstanding of the sorting algorithm. After posting this, I got lots of very helpful advice to help me use Lemmy’s sorting better and my enjoyment of Lemmy has improved immensly to the point of where my experience on Lemmy is no longer lame.

    EDIT 2: I must have misread your post because it was not condesending, but more motivating. I appreciate the sentiment and redact the condesending part, but stand by the rest of what I’ve said. I deleted the entire second paragraph because I was defensive and wrong in its entirety. I appreciate the sentiment while affirming I am trying to contribute more while my life is still very busy. I apologize for getting defensive.