I mean I completely agree with you in that the semantic bullshit is bullshit, my point was that Linus wasn’t even correct in his attempt at BS because GN didn’t use the word “sold”. GN used the same word that Linus is attempting to say is totally different.
The only one giving decent controlled responses here was, as I sort of expected, the new CEO. Everyone else I got the fake apology vibe, especially from Yvonne.
Terran has his work cut out for him, and I don’t really blame him for taking 6 weeks to be a fly on the wall (it’s generally good to learn the current process before coming in and making massive changes) but this week has not been good for LMG and we will see if he manages to make something good from this experience.
Especially things like the Madison situation. I could see him being unaware of it until now, but now it’s time to address that as well.