• 53 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • My point though is that you talk about all of that as if it’s some sort of chore.

    To me, it’s a lot of the fun.

    I rarely even get to the point of having to stop and weigh choices in my inventory, since every time I come across something new, I have to stop and check it out and try to figure out what it is and what it does and what sort of advantages or disadvantages it might have. I enjoy that. So all along the way, I’m figuring out what I want to or think I should keep and what I want to or think I can get rid of, and not because a finite inventory demands it, but because that’s part of the point of playing in the first place.

    Broadly, you’re asking if other people actually invest the time and energy to sort out how to play complex games. I’m saying that we not only can and do, but that that’s a lot of the point. That whole process of sorting things out is a lot of the reason that we play in the first place.

  • Yeah - I just jump in and wing it.

    At the risk of inviting the internet’s wrath, when people talk about the difference between serious gamers and casuals, this is the sort of thing they’re talking about.

    “Serious” gaming involves a particular set of skills and interests, such that the person is willing and able to just jump into some complicated new game and figure it out. And it’s not just that “serious” gamers can do that - the point is that they want to. They enjoy it. They enjoy being lost, then slowly putting the pieces together and figuring out how things work and getting better because they’ve figured it out. And they enjoy the details - learning which skills do what and which items do what, and how it all interrelates. All that stuff isn’t some chore to be avoided - it’s a lot of the point - a lot of the reason that they (we) play games.

    You talk about your inventory filling up and then just selling everything, and I can’t even imagine doing that. To me, that’s not just obviously bad strategy, but entirely missing the point - like buying ingredients to make delicious food, then bringing them home and throwing them in the garbage.

  • So to not have an institutionalized authority that coerces people to follow the rules, you first coerce (or even kill) the self-serving fuckwads.

    No - you explicitly do not. It’s impossible to get out of the trap of some claiming the power to nominally rightfully force the submission of others through some claiming the power to nominally rightfully force the submission of others.

    The only way it can come about is if humanity evolves into it - grows the fuck up, collectively as well as individually.

  • Over the short term (in an historical sense), that’s certainly the case.

    I just mentioned on another post that I liken it to individual growth. Just as individuals can and often do mature to the point that they no longer need or desire a mommy and daddy, so too can our species as a whole mature. And I believe that, if we don’t destroy ourselves along the way, we not only can but will.

    But even if we don’t destroy ourselves along the way, yes - that’s still many, many, MANY generations away.

  • It can never be achieved

    Why not?

    If an individual can outgrow a need for a mommy and daddy to watch over them and tell them what to do, then so can a species.

    But yes - for the relatively short term (in the anthropological sense), such a system is effectively impossible, so yes - “the goal should be to get as close to it as possible.”

    And in fact, the only way that it can be achieved is incrementally, as ever more individuals reject the whole concept of institutionalized authority. Eventually, a point should be reached at which the view that it’s illegitimate is so widespread that those who claim it will no longer be able to exercise their claim.

    Or to put it in simplistic and not-really-accurate terms, the claim “I’m the President of the United States” will be as ludicrous as the claim “I’m the Emperor of the Universe,” and will be treated with the same disdain.

    We will never achieve total post scarcity.

    I agree.

    The extent of the universe as a whole might well be infinite, but the extent of the resources to which humans can have access most assuredly is not.

    We can never eliminate institutions of authority

    I disagree.

    I not only think we can - I think that unless we destroy ourselves first, we inevitably will.

    Again, it’s akin to an individual outgrowing the need for a mommy and daddy, just on a broader scale.

    For example, we can never eliminate the police force, as there still would be some sociopaths who we would need protection from.

    Except that the police are ever more likely to BE sociopaths than to protect us from them.

    That’s the exact problem I mentioned in the last post - hierarchical authority effectively rewards and thus selects for sociopathy.

    People with morals, principles, integrity and/or empathy will have things that they’ll refuse to do.

    Psychopaths don’t have those constraints - if so inclined, they’re willing to do absolutely whatever it takes to get what they want.

    So all other things more or less equal, psychopaths actually have a competitive advantage in hierarchical systems.

    Which is exactly how and why “power corrupts.”

    So in conclusion, am I right in considering the communist utopia as a singularity?

    Roughly, though it would be more accurate, if less appropriate to this STEM-obsessed era, to call it an “ideal.”

  • Statelessness is held to be necessary because, in the simplest terms, power corrupts.

    If we institutionalize authority - if we create a structure in which authority is vested and positions within that structure that are held by specific individuals - then sooner or later (and history has shown that with communism it’s generally sooner) self-serving fuckwads will capture those positions, then bend them to serve their own interests and the interests of their cronies and patrons, to the detriment of everyone else.

    And yes - there are practical problems with not having institutionalized authority.

    But the thinking of those who advocate for statelessness is that those problems can be, and would be, solved if people had the opportunity. But first we have to get the self-serving fuckwads out of the way, and the only way to do that is to not have institutionalized authority in the first place.

  • Yep - glasses guy did it, and that’s a lot of what this has all been about. I was pretty sure of that.

    So has Chiaki manipulated Kouhei into this road trip for her purposes? Or is it something that Kouhei unconsciously did for her benefit? He does apparently have suppressed memories of her, so it’s possible he’s effectively tricked himself into helping her.

    Odd twist that it’s even the same car. I’m not sure what to make of that.

  • I think this puts consciousness on too high of a mystic pedestal.

    I think that one of the most common ways by which the devotees of reductive physicalism try to make it appear to be a valid position is by positing a false dichotomy by which they then sneeringly characterize anything that’s not simply physical as “mystic.”

    What makes you think that it is impossible to observe someone else’s consciousness?

    The fact that it’s an emergent phenomenon with no physical manifestation.

    I think we’ll be able to (and in fact we already can to some notable degree) track neuronal activity in a brain and map it and interpret it, so we can make reasonably solid guesses regarding its nature - general type, intensity, efficiency and so on - but we can never actually observe its content, since its content is a gestalt formed within and only accessible to the mind that’s experiencing it.

    There’s nothing at all “mystic” about that - it’s simple logic and reason.

    And, by the bye, it’s also much of why actual philosophers rejected reductive physicalism almost a century ago.

  • Conveniently enough, I just wrote another response to the thread, since there was more I wanted to say on the topic, and it addresses this.

    It’s not a matter of not having the tools to test theories of consciousness - it’s more fundamental than that. We are consciousness. When we theorize on consciousness, we are engaging in consciousness. It’s inescapable - it’s the very thing that makes it possible to theorize. And it’s entirely experiential - you necessarily experience your own consciousness and cannot possibly observe anyone else’s. We are each and all, and necessarily, behind a veil of perception. It’s literally impossible for it to be otherwise - to somehow step outside of consciousness and observe it, since the only thing that can meaningfully observe it is that same consciousness.

    Yes - we can concevably at least make some good guesses regarding the physical processes that correspond with our experiences of consciousness, but that’s necessarily the extent of it. Again, it’s not simply that we don’t have the tools to do more than that, but that it’s inherently impossible for it to be otherwise.

  • This is still nagging at me - there’s more I want to say. So, another response.

    This particular theory is a pretty good illustration of the unfortunate ignorance of philosophy I mentioned, but an even better one is mentioned in the article - “the popular claim, advanced by philosopher Nick Bostrom and taken seriously by physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and David Chalmers, among others, that our reality is a simulation being run on a computer, as in The Matrix.”

    That’s not just pseudoscience, but embarassingly ignorant. If these people had even the vaguest understanding of the idea, they’d recognize that it’s about as far from science as it’s possible to get.

    The whole concept was first popularized by Descartes in the 17th century. He presented it as the possibility that one’s perception of reality could be manipulated by an “evil demon,” but the underlying concept was the same as “the Matrix.”

    But the thing is that it was never intended to be an actual theory of perception and consciousness - rather it was a thought experiment meant to illustrate the fact that it could be the case that our perceptions of reality are controlled by an evil demon (or are a computer simulation), and we could never know.

    The exact point is that it’s literally impossible to somehow step outside of our perceptions and our consciousness and analyze them, since any observations we might make are and can only be products of the very perceptions and consciousness we’re trying to analyze. So they could be entirely right or entirely wrong or anything in between and we could never know, since they simply are and can only be whatever they are.

    As far as that goes then, it not only falls astray of but pretty much explicitly illustrates the distinction between science and pseudoscience.

    And if Tyson et al had even the faintest understanding of philosophy - if they weren’t blinded by some ludicrously ignorant species of reductive physicalism - they’d already understand that, and recognize how foolish it is to treat the Matrix, or any other such idea, as a legitimate theory.

  • I’m pleased to see this.

    In recent decades, science has been trying to move into areas, like consciousness, that are really philosophy, and all that does is fuck things up for everyone.

    Yes - of course it’s pseudoscience - it can’t help but be, since it’s all untestable.

    The problem is that, by labeling it “science,” whatever it is that someone proposes is immediately treated by devotees of scientism as certain fact, when in reality it’s philosophy, and thus “fact” is a quality it can’t even possess. And that’s doubly a problem because not only is it not and can’t ever be legitimately treated as fact but, not to put too fine a point on it, when it comes to philosophy, all too many scientists don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. In ways, many of them are even more ignorant than laypeople, since they tend to disdain and thus ignore the philosophy that’s gone before them.

  • !manga@kbin.social

    It’s pretty much a lost cause, at least for now, but I keep posting anyway. And it’s not like it’s an imposition - I check in on Mangadex a few times a day anyway, to catch up on my follows and maybe browse the new updates, so I just post discussion threads for the stuff I like and would like to discuss.

    Years ago, I used to post a lot on the Reddit manga sub. It was always much more active, but my tastes in manga are obscure enough that most of what I was following didn’t get posted otherwise. But then the sub grew to the point that there were more enthusiastic posters even posting that, so I stopped.

    That’s made it sort of awkward on kbin though, since I’m still just posting the sort of obscure stuff I like. In order to grow the community, it would be better to post more popular series, but that just seems sort of dishonest to me. It seems to me that if I’m not even reading a series myself, I have no business posting it.

    So it goes…