Hmm… I’m not in those departments, but I already have a conclusion for their report: if that happens, you will be assassinated.
Hmm… I’m not in those departments, but I already have a conclusion for their report: if that happens, you will be assassinated.
Yep. It’s so backwards… Like if you can focus on collecting the same amount of taxes from a few rich assholes every year, why even bother with the other millions of us? I mean, I know it’s rigged against us plebs, but it makes no sense from a workload management perspective.
Right, I think it’s maybe representing the 20 highest grossing food brands in the US, whether they’re US companies or not.
If you’re still honing your cooking skills, there are a ton of helpful youtube channels to learn from. J Kenji Lopez Alt is great, but some other good ones are Chef John/Food Wishes, Ethan Chlebowski/Cook Well, Brian Lagerstrom, Adam Ragusea, Matty Matheson, Pailin’s Kitchen, Internet Shaquille, Rick Martinez, and many more.
Is $500/month a typical rate in your area? That is unheard of around me, but I think you’re in decent shape if so. Make sure you have enough for the security deposit, it’s usually one month’s rent.
Other recurring expenses to budget for will be utilities (water, sewer, trash, electricity, maybe gas, internet, and phone - you can estimate from whoever pays these where you’re staying now), auto fuel/maintenance/insurance unless you use public transport or bike, and food as others have covered (I think your idea of practicing grocery shopping and cooking is a good start).
Beyond that, have realistic expectations for more variable expenses like clothes, home goods, entertainment, eating out, etc. Be mindful, but don’t be afraid to treat yourselves every now and then if you can afford to.
It’s also wise to save up an emergency fund that can cover you both for six months. It sounds like a lot, and it is, but think of it more as a goal you can keep contributing to with the money you have leftover each month.
Moving can be expensive, especially the first time when you don’t have many of the essentials. Keep an eye out in thrift stores and online marketplaces for things like cookware, dishes, vacuums, and furniture. These are often much cheaper second hand, and you can upgrade down the road when you know you’re financially comfortable. Good luck!
The right just elected someone with boobs, homie
Edit: I’m on mobile and can’t tell if this uploaded blurry or not (looks kinda rough to me). Here’s the source.
Common Side Effects has been fun so far.
Got it, thanks! I’m sure there are some cases where it makes sense to use this feature, but I find it gross if this is the common/intended use.
That’s fucked. Of course this asshole on his high horse is a hypocritical coward.
I’m admittedly ignorant how these platforms work, as I’ve gone out of my way to avoid them. How is it possible for the sheriff’s office to filter/delete comments made by other users? Is that something anyone can do for any comments made on your own posts?
Also, if these accounts are managed by a government office, can the hidden/deleted comments be retrieved through a public records request? (Assuming they comply with such request, though I wouldn’t hold my breath…)
Yup, stands for community supported agriculture. They’re often called co-ops or farm shares, but I think CSA is the industry term that you’ll have most luck with when searching around online.
You could try researching CSAs in your area. There are a few near me that sell farm shares with weekly pickup of seasonal veggies during harvest season. I’m in northern California, and our rate is under $20 per week after we split it with another couple. We usually receive more veggies than we would buy during a weekly grocery store trip, plus our farm let’s everyone pick fresh bouquets each pickup as a nice bonus.
We can surely cut more than just funding ;)
For the most part, but definitely not everyone. Many people lack awareness about where food comes from in general, not to mention basic food safety practices. It wouldn’t surprise me if folks who mostly buy prepackaged produce and know little about farming would assume their produce is clean enough from the store.
This is not entirely true. E. coli can produce heat-stable enterotoxins that will still make you sick even after cooking/killing the microbe. Probably best to toss or at least wash them before using.
Edit: assuming they’re from one of the listed brands and match the recall window.
I really hope we don’t have to see this type of case go before the current SCOTUS.
Maybe he’ll fuck off down his next k-hole permanently.
I’m sure you’re aware, but that’s pretty dangerous. You will most likely have pretty bad a neck injury if you get into a wreck. It might be worth upgrading the seat to one that fits you better.
I’m pretty sure that’s Thunder. I haven’t tried it myself though.